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Webe (now Unifi Mobile) review – Better than before


I’ve been using Webe RM79 (now Unifi Mobile 99) since its launch and so far I’m happy with it. I can see they have improved their service in terms of internet speed and coverage. And also, now I only pay RM59 per month for this package plan. Read this post for detail.

In this review, I’ll try to briefly explain the details of this package plan and some of the limitations that I observed and experienced in these few years of using it. If you are interested to know, continue reading.

See also U Mobile P79 review – More mobile hotspot data than Unifi Mobile 99.

Unifi Mobile 99 postpaid plan

Unifi Mobile has updated its package plan with an additional Free 10GB 4G LTE Wifi hotspot every month.

DescriptionPackage plan
Monthly commitmentRM79 RM99
Internet quotaUnlimited
Internet speedHi-speed
Wifi hotspotNA Free 10GB 4G LTE / month
Voice callUnlimited to any network (domestic)
SMSUnlimited to any network

**Unifi Mobile 99 comes with no-string attached. However, you can get it at RM59 per month with 12 months contract – limited time offer.

The voice features include all the basic requirements such as Call Hold, Call Waiting, and Missed Call Notification.

Additional Wifi hotspot pass

The free 10GB Wifi hotspot is to be used on 4G LTE network only. If you are using the free wifi hotspot but encounter issues such as “Connected but no network access”, this post might be handy.

Note: The following Personal Wi-Fi Pass below can be used on any network type such as 4G/LTE/H+/3G, unlike the free 10GB 4G/LTE that comes with the plan.


In case you need help to set up your Wifi hotspot, read how to set up and use Webe wifi hotspot.

Webe use LTE band 5 for it’s 4G network

Unifi Mobile is utilizing LTE band 5. This is different from other telcos like Celcom and Maxis which are using LTE bands 1, 3, and 7. The downside of band 5 is the speed and coverage are slightly lesser than the others. So, you won’t get a speed as high as 75Mbps.

Final verdict

Would I recommend this plan to my family members or friends?

Honestly, the answer is yes. Currently, my wife is using the Unifi Mobile 59 (same package as Unifi Mobile 99) but because this is my sub-line, the price is cheaper. Previously was using U Mobile GX50.

What do you think of this plan? If you have any experience using Unifi Mobile, let me know in the comment below.


24 responses to “Webe (now Unifi Mobile) review – Better than before”

  1. megan Avatar

    hello. sekarang May 2021. kamu masih guna unifi mobile ke? boleh review lagi. saya mau consider switch. thank you

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hello, ya masih guna unifi mobile.

  2. Faiz Avatar

    Macam ada beza speed antara plan webe 79 yg lama dengan plan 59 promo. Webe boleh pergi sampai 30mbps. Unifi promo mcm 10mbps je.

  3. Fatin Avatar

    Assalam. Bole tau tak Unifi Mobile nie masih ok ke tak? Ke depends pd coverage? Sbb sy skrg tngh pakai Digi 58, data 10gb bulanan, 5gb free dan 10gb utube free. Tak tau line mana yg ok utk pakai sbb nk bukak hotspot kt laptop yg bnyk guna video call/webex/googlemeet kt laptop.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, mana2 line akan depend pada coverage.
      Cuba survey line mana nak pakai lepastu check coverage.

  4. Hafiz Avatar

    Baru tukar dari celcom setelah berbelas tahun pakai. mmg dh tgk coverage unifi mobile sblm tukar.mmg blue area(wide). dlm bangunan hampeh .dari luar opis 4G ke dlm jd 3G terus hang.dpt 4G one line pn hang.pening2.siap kena troll ngn member opis. customer wasap call sangkut2

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Adoi.. Area mana tu? Saya belum pernah kena lagi..

  5. Eroul Ismail Avatar
    Eroul Ismail

    I am having a speed and coverage problem with UniFi Mobile at my house and office.
    Most of the time speed test kat dalam rumah less then 2mbps.
    Kat dalam office area seksyen 8 PJ pun problem. Line penuh, data tak ada!
    Guna Apps SpeedTest untuk pantau prestasi uniFi Mobile.
    Sangat tidak stabil. Most of time dalam rumah dan dalam office lah nak guna.
    Nexus Bangsar South boleh dapat 10mbps
    Stesen KTM Komuter Salak Selatan ada cecah 7.89mbps
    Their minimum speed should at least 7-10 mbps kan walaupun dalam rumah?
    Prestasi LTE sebenar can be up to 20-25 mbps kan?
    Maxis can reach that speed rasa nya kalau kat KL/PJ nie.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Yes bro. Unifi mobile speed tak stabil.
      Dok luar rumah dan dalam rumah pun beza speed dia.
      Takda minimum speed, depend on coverage.
      Speed dia boleh serendah 0.1mbs dan setinggi 25mbps, setakat yang pernah saya try di area Melaka, Penang, Selangor, Pahang, Terengganu.
      LTE yg sebenar lebih 70mbps.

      1. Eroul Ismail Avatar
        Eroul Ismail

        Tuh lah ingat nak guna Yoodo plak
        Sekarang nie plan dia mcm murah siket
        Cuma yg data tak murah sgt
        Tak leh dapat harga yg setanding UniFi Mobile
        Well tak semua yg perfect tapi mencari yg terbaik lebih penting kan

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Wassalam, plan Yoodo macam menarik. Cuba bandingkan sebulan berapa max data yang guna then check Yoodo plan. Yang penting, kena check coverage n speed dulu.

        2. Eroul Ismail Avatar
          Eroul Ismail

          Adik ngan sister in-law plak tukar ke Yoodo. Masih test speed dia. Tapi nampak kelajuan dia lebih kurang DiGi juga.

        3. Eroul Ismail Avatar
          Eroul Ismail

          Dah MNP ke DiGi plak ambik package Family250. Setakat ini speed berganda2x laju (10-17x lagi laju dalam rumah) dari UniFi Mobile tuh. Kat MidValley boleh dapat 55mbps walaupun kat level LG.

        4. Barzrul Avatar

          Yes, Digi kalao dapat tempat yg ada coverage memang laju. Family250 memang jimat.

        5. Eroul Ismail Avatar
          Eroul Ismail

          Dah tukar DiGi, better speed than UniFi Mobile.
          MidValley around 50 mbps
          KL Gateway around 60mbps
          But umah dapat average 15-20mbps aje
          Tonight periksa ada 28 mbps

        6. Barzrul Avatar

          Saya punya unifi mobile, kat umah sendiri lebih kurang 4Mbps, tapi kat office, rumah mertua, rumah parent kt kampung bleh dpt 25Mbps. Nasib baik kt rumah sendiri ada Streamyx. Kalo tak, mmg port out dah.

        7. HadiMuyz Avatar

          Ya Allah..Cemburunya.
          Saya baru buat review pasal WEBE..
          Tapi ternyata DIGI jugak terbaek.
          Speed die unbelieveable. Sy pakai DIGI 100.
          Speed limit die 10mbps.
          Bile sy change to 3G (sbb line 4G ada area xstable) pun line still around 7-8mpbs.
          Alhamdulillah tidak tukar lagi ke WEBE

        8. muhamad suhail tahkim fazilah Avatar
          muhamad suhail tahkim fazilah

          how about unifi mobile now? after 8months?

  6. Beez Buzz Avatar
    Beez Buzz

    Salam Barzrul. Thanks for the info on webe. I have just bought a new webe sim but have yet to be used because digi hasn’t been deactivated (4 days wait). I wanted to use it for my xiao fang camera, but I’m unsure if it’s considered as tethering. Can u pls help shed light on this? Thanks in advance. -Ani

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam Ani.. it is not tethering if u use the camera to connect to the internet.. pls check also whether ur device is certified device.

      1. Beez Buzz Avatar
        Beez Buzz

        Thanks for your fast reply on this. I believe my Note 3, though outdated, is certified.

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Yes, Note 3 is certified device. So are you using webe sim card in Note 3 or the xiao fang camera?

        2. Beez Buzz Avatar
          Beez Buzz

          My Note 3

        3. Barzrul Avatar

          So u are using webe sim card on ur Note 3 and tether to the camera?

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