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How to change Streamyx Wifi password on Innacomm router


Learn how to change Streamyx Wifi password on Innacomm router. In this post, I’ll show you how to change your Wifi password to WPA2/PSK authentication method to improve security and to protect the network from being connected by an unwelcomed device.

Basically, you can change the Wifi password to any type you want. But I’d suggest WPA/PSK authentication type. I’ve seen some people use the network name as the Wifi password. The reason is that it can be easily remembered. With this, people can easily guess the password and connect to your network.

Note: This guide is for TM Streamyx Wireless G ADSL 2+ modem model Innacomm W3400V6. A different model may have a slightly different configuration page.

How to change Streamyx Wifi password on Innacomm router

In the following steps, you’ll be able to change your Wifi name and password. You can skip steps 7 and 8 if you want to keep your current Wifi network name.

  1. Open any internet browser.
  2. Go to
  3. Enter your login detail:
    • Username/ID: tmadmin
    • Password: Adm@XXX (XXXX is the last 4 digit of MAC address)
  4. Click Login.
  5. Select Wireless.
  6. Select Basic.
  7. In SSID box, enter the new Wifi network name.
  8. Click Apply/Save button to save the changes.
  9. Select Security.
  10. Select the SSID name from step 6 above.
  11. Select WPA2/PSK as your Network Authentication method.
  12. In WPA2/PSK passphrase box, enter your new Wifi password.
  13. Click Apply/Save button to save the changes.
  14. Re-connect your wireless device to the Wifi.

Done! You have successfully changed your Streamyx Wifi network name and password.

I strongly recommend you to use WPA2/PSK network authentication method. It is the safest method to prevent your wireless network from being compromised by an unknown network intruder.

Let me know in the comment below if you need further help.


226 responses to “How to change Streamyx Wifi password on Innacomm router”

  1. KulaChngg Avatar

    Salam boss, saya nak tukar nama wifi utk unifi baru install tadi pagi. Saya dah ikut step yg u ajar, tapi masalah nak masuk ni pun tak lepas. website ckp took too long to respond. guna modem huawei and tp link. terima kasih

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, tutorial ni utk Streamyx boss. Kalau utk unifi, baca tutorial ni:

  2. norsal Avatar

    Bos Barzrul, boleh bagi guide macam mana nk setup pptp vpn dekat Model modem ADSL-RIGER-ADM206-2, sbb yang modem silver boleh access vpn.

    terima kasih

  3. Six Avatar

    Model modem ADSL-RIGER-ADM206-2.reset modem.Try connect wifi guna password Adm@xxxx, still x boleh masuk.Nk tukar password dkt pc internet no connection.mcm mana nk buat?Bdk TM yg pasang tu xda tulis apa2 dkt bwh modem tu.

  4. Fithri Faisal Avatar
    Fithri Faisal

    Hi Barzrul. I followed exactly what you listed but when I changed my password and selected WPA2/PSK, it went okay but now there’s no Internet access. I can’t access without Internet (even using 4G). I wish to change back to WPA/PSK, but I can’t get to the Need help!

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi bro, nak connect ke tak perlukan internet.. dah cuba guna cable?

      1. Nur Avatar

        Hii saya ada tukar dari wep ke wpa2(aes) lepas tu terus restart.. pasal tukar password ke apa tak pulak la. Tukar wep ke wpa2(aes) je.. lep as tu dah tak boleh connect wifi. Tapi wifi ada je . Macam mana ya? Tq

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Hi, cuba masuk semula ke modem settings dan tukar password baru.. Kemudian cconnect ke wifi macam biasa.

        2. Nur Avatar

          Saya tak boleh nak masuk ke modem setting. Modem setting tu yg ip address tu ke? Tak boleh nak masuk..

        3. Barzrul Avatar

          Cuba connect guna cable dan masuk semula ke

  5. cinta sejati Avatar
    cinta sejati

    bos macam nak login modem streaming ni boleh bantu saya tak

  6. Uto Pianz Avatar
    Uto Pianz

    Lepas tukar nama n password internet terus xboleh guna dah try restart modem masuk password baru dia connect tapi takde internet. Macam mana bro ? Tolong

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Masih tak ada internet? Kalau guna cable?

      1. Uto Pianz Avatar
        Uto Pianz

        Dah boleh dah restart semua baru boleh. Tq

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Orite. Sama2 bro, good to know.

  7. Haris Jafri Avatar
    Haris Jafri

    boss, streamyx memang guna kan? cara di atas still boleh digunakan sekarang kan?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Yup, kalo tak boleh buka, klik dekat link bawah tu utk check ip address modem.

  8. Syaza Avatar

    Boss, lepas saya tukar WEP to WAP dan tukar SSID terus tak ada internet. Wifi connected tapi no internet. Macam mana ni?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Dah connect ke SSID baru dan guna password baru?

  9. anuar m.noh Avatar
    anuar m.noh

    tuan.saya dah tak guna hypptv box (TM) guna aftermarket box,saya dah cuba check tapi tak jumpa cara nak add/delete device dalam unbined mac address device,

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Ya, tuan guna router apa?

      1. anuar m.noh Avatar
        anuar m.noh

        Router TM, warna silver

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Brand apa? Bagi screen shot setting page skali.

  10. anuar m.noh Avatar
    anuar m.noh

    Salam maal hijrah,kalau nak buat unbind mac address device dalam streamyx macam mana ye?

  11. mady yana Avatar
    mady yana

    Lepas reset modem, nak connect dgn wifi utk pergi ke link 192…. tu dia perlukan password. Password mana ye yg kena guna.

  12. Yahmunaa Jay Avatar
    Yahmunaa Jay


    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, thank you for your response. Glad it works for you.

  13. mazfahmi marzuki Avatar
    mazfahmi marzuki

    Saya dah cuba banyak kali untuk login [ ] tapi still tak dapat. mcm mana nak login?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Apa masalah bro? Salah username? Salah password? Salah IP address?

    2. anuar m.noh Avatar
      anuar m.noh

      kena guna laptop plus LAN cable…baru connection stabil

  14. AIDIL SHAZWAN Avatar

    boss mcm mna kita nk set limitkan berapa device je yang boleh guna…conton sy nak set 5 device shaja..

  15. ARBS Mobile Avatar
    ARBS Mobile

    Salam Barzrul,
    Bagaimana nk ubah setting supaya modem/router W3400V6 ni hanya berfungsi sebagai modem shj sebab saya nak jadikan TP-LINK sebagai wireless router . Mohon penjelasan.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, kena tukar setting modem/router W3400V6 ke “bridge mode”. Connect LAN 1 modem ke WAN port router baru. Connect computer ke router baru (guna cable) dan configure router baru — masukkan STreamyx ID and password ke router baru.

  16. Suhaila Mohd Zahari Avatar
    Suhaila Mohd Zahari

    Adm@XXXX …kalau di modem technician tak tulis apa2..nak buat mcmana..baru tukar modem..lupa nak tanya mcmana nk tukar SSID/password..ingatkan id& password :tmadmin…tp tak boleh pun..aduhai.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      xxxx tu last 4 digit modem MAC address.. tengok kt sticker kt modem.

      1. Suhaila Mohd Zahari Avatar
        Suhaila Mohd Zahari

        ok2..tq..dh tukar tadi..rupanya kt blkg modem ada MAC id tu..duk tgk bahagian dpn technician tak tulis apa2.haha

  17. Jayden Lee Avatar
    Jayden Lee

    Nk tnye klau untuk TP Link Archer C5 ?
    dh dapat ip address tu , username auto load “tmadmin”
    so normally yg password jugak format ni ? Adm@XXXX ?

  18. Roy Alvin Almazan Magboo Avatar
    Roy Alvin Almazan Magboo

    the ip add doesn’t work

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, it could be the IP for your router is different. You can read this post to find out the router IP –>

  19. Hafiz Iskandar Avatar
    Hafiz Iskandar

    Bro Bazrul , lepas saya tukar password saya punya wifi no internet connection , boleh connect , router semua on tapi bila connect dia show no internet connection apa patut saya buat ye ?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      1. Pastikan yang awak tukar tu Wifi password, bukan streamyx password.
      2. Dah restart modem?
      3. Re-connect guna new password?
      Kalau boleh, share screenshot utk page yg awak tukar password dan error message.

  20. Stanley Joheng Avatar
    Stanley Joheng

    password dan SSID dah tukar.. bila nak connect wifi, ada popup messge kata yg saya tersalah masukkan password padahal dah connected pun wifi cuma data internet memang tak jalan

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Lepas tukar ssid n password takda internet?

      1. Stanley Joheng Avatar
        Stanley Joheng


        1. Stanley Joheng Avatar
          Stanley Joheng

          dah masukkan password yg betul dan dah connected tapi masih juga keluar popup message sperti diatas

        2. Barzrul Avatar

          Oohh.. ini bukan sebab tukar ssid n password.. ini di sebabkan tukar streamyx id n password.. makna kata, wifi name and password masih yg lama.
          Baca sini utk masukkan semula streamyx id n password –>

        3. Stanley Joheng Avatar
          Stanley Joheng

          dah x ingat lagi password la pula ni.. ada cara utk retrieved password lama tu tak?

        4. Barzrul Avatar

          Ada simpan box modem? Selalunya ada tulis kat situ.. Atau boleh call 100.

        5. Stanley Joheng Avatar
          Stanley Joheng

          password streamyx id ada ditulis di kotak modem?

        6. Barzrul Avatar

          Biasanya service technician akan tulis streamyx id n password di kotak modem.

        7. Stanley Joheng Avatar
          Stanley Joheng

          malangnya technician tu xda tulis, dia htr guna SMS saja dulu.. dan SMS tu dah lama dipadam 😨

        8. Barzrul Avatar

          Ok xpa.. call 100.

  21. Stanley Joheng Avatar
    Stanley Joheng

    Ive done this method of changes the password and SSID. Its successful but my internet didnt run. Its look like there is no data

  22. seri Avatar

    Soooo, its 5 am right now. the internet light goes red at 2 am. Could wait too long so i hard reset the router ( press the needle hole ) and reinstalled it. Now dsl light is stable and internet light blinking and i assume that a good sign. But both my laptop and android phone still cant access internet. Any idea what would cause it?

    1. seri Avatar

      ALAHAI Nvm laa. password streamyx aku tertukar 0 dgn O . buto dorang xleh auntenticate betul2 ke

  23. Barzrul Avatar

    oohh.. betul.. sekarang kena call 100 utk apa2 masalah atau nak minta bantuan..

  24. winter melon Avatar
    winter melon

    Assalamalaikum bro, tumpang tanya, kalau DSL tak menyala, modem dah rosak ke ? dah call 100, dah buat semua method troubleshooting, tapi masih tak dapat,

    dah report kat tm, dorng kan hantar tech utk tukar modem dengan 2 option.

    1. tech akan datang tukar modem secara free tapi kontrak renew.kalau boleh,taaknak renew lagi.

    2. tech akan datang tukar modem, so dorng akan charge rm53 dalam bill, tapi tak renew contract.

    kalau boleh, taknak keluarkan duit dan renew contract, ade tak cara2 troubleshooting yang bro tau ?

    edited : pakai modem TM ADSL-MARITIME-W3410N

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam bro.. kalau lampu DSL selalunya berkaitan dengan cable.. bro boleh baca post ni:

      1. winter melon Avatar
        winter melon

        bro ,dah try reset config, lampu semua menyala, connected tapi no internet service, adakah salah masok streamyx ID n password?

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Orait bro.. terima kasih sebab update.

    2. DarKCroX Avatar

      aku punya wifi hari ni tetiba takde internet… dsl, internet lampu tak menyala… kecuali wifi.

      aku login ke

      aku tengok aku punya WAN tak connect… like wtf… mcm mana boleh tetiba disconnect…

      jadi kalau dsl tak menyala, cuba check benda ni… kot kot ini punca dia

  25. mamatkhaled14 Avatar

    apahal la login kat tm page xder..menyusahkan betui..nak tukar password akaun streamyx pun payah..

    1. Barzrul Avatar
  26. Zara Anthony Avatar
    Zara Anthony

    assalam..i forgot streamyx user id and password. nak call 100, x connect. nak reset through website, x jumpe plak sign id.please help.nak tukar modem baru.tq

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, I’m afraid that is the only way. Call 100.

      1. Zara Anthony Avatar
        Zara Anthony

        betoll..huhuhu..tqvm reply

  27. Hello Kitty Avatar
    Hello Kitty

    salam, saya tak dapat nak login…dah guna kedua2 password tpi masi x dpt..mcm mna tu?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      wassalam.. modem tu brand apa?

      1. Hello Kitty Avatar
        Hello Kitty

        macam mana nak tau brand apa?

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Tgok dekat kotak dia atau pun dekat modem tu.. brand atau model

        2. Hello Kitty Avatar
          Hello Kitty

          kalo kat modem ni model no. : INNACOMM W7100N

        3. Barzrul Avatar

          Utk model ni, default username dan password sama macam di atas:
          Username: tmadmin
          Password: Adm@xxxs (xxxx is the last 4 digit of the MAC id) – case sensitive

        4. Hello Kitty Avatar
          Hello Kitty

          dah try tapi x dpt login 🙁

        5. AzimPsK Avatar

          klau model adsl riger dd 120wl sama jga ke boss

        6. Barzrul Avatar

          Ya, sepatutnya sama utk semua modem Streamyx provided by TM.

        7. AzimPsK Avatar

          ok tq boss

  28. Hariharan Padmanathan Avatar
    Hariharan Padmanathan

    I can’t connect to the internet after doing this

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Which one did you changed, wifi name or wifi password?

      1. Hariharan Padmanathan Avatar
        Hariharan Padmanathan

        both bro

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          I don’t understand the issue. You changed Wifi name and password. Now you can’t connect. What happen?

  29. Jamilatul Jasmin Avatar
    Jamilatul Jasmin

    Hai,how i can find my password?I can’t find my password on the sticker at the bottom of my modem and on the router box.Thank you

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hai, which password u referring to? Ur wifi password or modem password?

      1. Jamilatul Jasmin Avatar
        Jamilatul Jasmin

        I refer to my modem password

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          There should be sticker on every modem.. it labelled as MAC address.

  30. anieq Avatar

    Salam, ada x cara nak limitkan bandwith for certain PC?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, rasanya ada.. nnti sy cuba check..

      1. anieq Avatar

        ok.. thank u in advance… 🙂

      2. MH370 Avatar

        saya pun nak tahu juga caranya utk limitkan bandwith ke dua device berlainan

  31. amir Avatar

    Hi i reset the modem and now its red on the internet sign and how do i configure it back to before

  32. haziq farhat Avatar
    haziq farhat

    Salam, saya dh reset modem nii n dh follow step nk log in but x dpt log in wlaupun dh masukkan Password based on apa yg abg ckp. Still x dpt log in. Bleh kita teruskan perbualan dia whatsapp whatsapp :

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam.. boleh chat di FB Messenger.

  33. Cosmic Girl Avatar
    Cosmic Girl

    how about after reset router?wifi yes dsl yes but Internet there is no light

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      After reset, need to login to modem and make sure your TM id and password are correct to be able to connect to internet.

      1. Cosmic Girl Avatar
        Cosmic Girl

        tm id is modem username?my modem username is ANH so what i need to type??

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          No. Default modem username and password are as in the above post.. TM id is your unique id with “@streamyx” at the back.

  34. Amar Rahman Avatar
    Amar Rahman

    saya dh cuba mcm admin suruh
    username : tmadmin
    pass: Adm@XXXX atau ganti xxxx tu dengan mac id
    tapi tetap x boleh login

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      dah cuba password: tmadmin ?

  35. amengg Avatar

    why after I have done this,my dns and default gateway write fail? then I cant connect to my internet right now,tq

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi @amengg:disqus it should not happen. the only thing changed here is the username and password for the wifi. please counter check what else you have changed.

  36. illutsly Avatar

    mohon bantuan tuan,
    saya menjalankan perniagaan cyber kecil-kecilan…apabila modem sy rosak…tmnet telah menggantikannya dgn modem TM Streamyx wireless G ADSL 2+ modem model Innacomm W3400V6. masalah yg timbul slpas ini adalah kesemua ip address pc menjadi auto…ini menyebabkan server tdak dpt mengesan pc2 lain….utk mkluman, cyber sy menggunakan LAN…sy telah mencuba beberapa kali kaedah tuan dan berjaya namun…apabila dapat connect internet, pc tdk dpt connect server….apabila dapat connect server, tidk dpt connect internet…adakah sy perlu menggubah setting2 dlm….

    – insan tdak dpt buka cyber –

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hai, dah cuba masukkan ip address secara manual ke pc?

      1. illutsly Avatar

        Utk makluman tuan…
        1. Modem telah d reset…

        Tenichan TMNET telah dtng dan mngganti modem lama…model seperti yg d sebut dhulu… 1. Apabila ip d masukkan2 scara manual…server dpt detect pc tpi pc tdak dpt memasukki internet… 2. Dan apabila ip d auto kan…pc dpt msuk internet namun tdk dpt d detect oleh server…
        1. Apabila modem tlah d reset…adakah perlu TMNET mengesahkannya…?

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Tak perlu pengesahan dari TM lepas reset modem. Yang penting masukkan Streamyx ID yang betul.

        2. illutsly Avatar

          sudah tuan…sy guna id lama sbelum d reset dan telah dpt memasukki internet…kesemua pc telah dpt d kesan oleh server juga…rupanya id baru yg d masukkan dlm modem tdk menggubah apa2 mklumat dlm modem… masalah yg baru timbul adalah salah 1 pc telah menjadi blue screen…tuan tahu bgaimana utk memperbaiki masalah baru ini…? apa2 pun…terima kasih tuan atas sudi mengajar serba sedikit pengalaman tuan dlm perkara ini…

        3. AzimPsK Avatar

          streamyx id ni klau lupa mcm mna boss..

        4. Barzrul Avatar

          Kena call 100.

  37. floating jungkook Avatar
    floating jungkook

    Problem solved ! Sangat membantu. Terima kasih. Moga Allah membalas jasa baik saudara 🙂

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Sama2. Amin 🙂

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hello, masukkan semula Streamyx ID and password.

      1. acha espada Avatar
        acha espada

        kalau lupa password nye mcm mana tuan?

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Streamyx password? kena call TM..

  38. Nazatul Fiqah Avatar
    Nazatul Fiqah

    Pliss help me.. what should i do if saya dah tertukar nama wlan dan connection saya menjadi limited. Apa patut saya lakukan..

  39. aza abeha Avatar
    aza abeha

    Hi. I tried to change my password. I managed to change the SSID. But cannot chaneg the password. Then, something went wrong. I’m not sure which part. Now only the DSL light is on. The internet & wireless light is off. I’ve reset the modem a few times. Now I cannot connect. Help….

  40. Ikhwan Halim Avatar
    Ikhwan Halim

    Hi bazrul…can you help me? After i hit the reset button, i connected the lan cable within moderm and my laptop…but i cant access I stuck here till now and still cant go any further to access tm setting. Yes i have restarted moderm for several times but its not make any difference at all. What should i do?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi Ikhwan, yesterday I wasn’t able to access the page but today everything back to normal.. Have you try to access the page today?

  41. Fifaasbar Avatar

    Dekat modem saya DSL Dan wifi lampu ok tapi dekat internet tak menyala.
    Kenapa iya?

  42. Leong Rahman Avatar
    Leong Rahman

    lepas login, mcm mane nak thu berapa device yg connect dgn modem kite..? tq 🙂

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      boleh check di MAC filtering setting page.

  43. Leong Rahman Avatar
    Leong Rahman

    lepas login, mcm mane nak thu berapa device yg connect dgn modem kite..? tq 🙂

  44. Barzrul Avatar

    You want to login to your modem? Use username: tmadmin, password: Adm@xxx or can try admin.

  45. Taek_ah Avatar

    i cant even login.theres no ‘wrong password/id’,like i never try to log in

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      try using different browser.

      1. Taek_ah Avatar

        earlier i managed to changed my streamyx password.. and access my wifi,few minutes later Dear Valued Customer,

        You have entered an incorrect password and therefore will not be able to access your Internet services at the moment……’

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          You change streamyx account password? Why?

  46. Emelesh Ram Avatar
    Emelesh Ram

    I’cant login into the page
    I’m already change the password one time
    I want change my password again

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      You’d change your modem password before?

  47. Bbyt Avatar

    After I reset, it requires me to do service activation. What should I do next

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      No need to re-activate. You have to enter correct Streamyx login ID and password.

      1. Bbyt Avatar

        The user name and password is written below my modem, do I need to add something ?

      2. Bbyt Avatar

        The problem was I entered the wrong name. Thank you very much, helped alot

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          You are welcome.

  48. Aiszz Avatar

    Hey, what should I do after that? Actually, my modem show red light and I can’t even connect to internet as usual. I tried on/off the modem but no changes at all.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, try do full reboot. Unplug the cable and wait for 10 sec and boot it up again..

      1. Aiszz Avatar

        I’ve tried that but it’s still the same

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Ever login to the modem configuration and make any changes to the setting?

  49. dudely Avatar

    Can i ask , after i hard reset the router and do the quick setup . I had a problem to connect the internet . It said they block my internet service because of wrong username or password . I need help with that

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      I think they are referring to your TM username and password.

  50. nur farhana Avatar
    nur farhana

    assalamualaikum, hai.. saya cube follow step atas dan menjadi… nama wifi & password wifi saya bertukar dan saya boleh connect, tetapi menjadi 1 masalah apabila saya switch off suis modem ketika keluar rumah dan bila kembali ke rumah switch on wifi, nama & password wifi saya kembali kepada yang asal seperti saya belum tukar. Kenapa ye ?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Waalaikumussalam. macamana dengan masalah awak. dah ok?

      1. nur farhana Avatar
        nur farhana

        hai.. ye ye.. dah okay dh… 🙂

  51. Nii~Chan Syndrome Avatar

    Your Site really help me. now i don’t have to look at that awful “MRBB_Wifi’ name ever again. Terima kasih Bro!

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      You’re welcome bro.

    1. Ryn Avatar

      hi as above pic, i tried to change my security but there are few WPA option.. WPA2 AES, WPA2 TKIP and WPA mixed. which should i select?

      1. Barzrul Avatar

        Hi, you can select any WPA2 authentication method.

        1. Ryn Avatar

          okay.if i want to change my password. i need to key in at Pre-shared key? or at quick setup?

        2. Barzrul Avatar

          Yes, if you select “personal (pre-shared key)” then key in the password at pre-shared key box.

        3. Ryn Avatar

          after that i just need to click apply changes right? then my internet security setting will change to WPA.

        4. Barzrul Avatar

          Yes. Your wifi may be disconnected. Then you re-connect using the new password.

        5. Ryn Avatar

          thx alot! its worked. successfully changed my password n security setting. 🙂

        6. Barzrul Avatar

          Nice. You’re welcome.

  52. rissay m. Avatar
    rissay m.

    Salam.. Sye dh msok dlm web tm tu.. Tp smpai ke step 6 sya lost sbb apa yg dtrngkn xde dlm paparan web tu

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, klik “Quick Setup” utk lain model.

      1. rissay m. Avatar
        rissay m.

        Ok sdh.. Api dkt mdem bhgian intrnet dh mnyala.. Tp dkt kmpter destop dn lptop logo bumi xde.

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Dah check connection cable?

        2. rissay m. Avatar
          rissay m.

          Dah smua dh connect

        3. rissay m. Avatar
          rissay m.

          Acces, local only

        4. rissay m. Avatar
          rissay m.

          Dah cek smua…

        5. rissay m. Avatar
          rissay m.

          Mcm mne ni?? Msih blom dpt

        6. Barzrul Avatar

          Cuba turn off modem n unplug cable.. lepastu turn on n plug cable. Tgok apa led yg x menyala @ blink.

        7. Barzrul Avatar

          Bro, dh dapat x?

  53. cik sri Avatar
    cik sri

    Hi, is it possible not to change the password but only to use these steps to know what the wifi’s password is? or if there is other way possible for me to figure out my wifi’s password since i have forgotten it? Thanks in advance

  54. Black Hole Avatar
    Black Hole

    Please help me. My router did not show the “data” light. It occurs every week .

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Have you check the connection cable?

  55. Gunslayer Avatar

    Step 9: Under “Wireless” sub-menus, click “Security”. I CAN’T FIND THE “SECURITY” PART. HENCE, UNABLE TO CHANGE MY PASSWORD. I NEED HELP.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, can you share your screenshot?

    2. Gunslayer Avatar

      >>>Step 9: Under “Wireless” sub-menus, click “Security”. I CAN’T FIND THE “SECURITY” PART. HENCE, UNABLE TO CHANGE MY PASSWORD. I NEED HELP.

      1. Gunslayer Avatar

        I did Step 7 & 8: Changed my SSID & saved. But then I can’t proceed with the 9th. Step.

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Under WEP, Key#1 is your password.

        2. Gunslayer Avatar

          Ok got it. Thank you brother. Peace.

        3. Barzrul Avatar

          You’re welcome bro.

  56. amirahazri Avatar

    Hi , how to know which one is ID or password on the sticker? is it wireless network(SSID) is for ID ? and network key (WEP) is for password ?am i right ?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      SSID = wifi / wireless network
      WEP / WPA = password

  57. Muhammad Afiq Avatar
    Muhammad Afiq

    “Step 5: On the left hand side menu, click “Wireless”.” WHERE IS IT?? PLS HELP

    1. Barzrul Avatar


      The UI looks different from mine. Let me check and will let you know soonest.

      1. Nadya Mazda Avatar
        Nadya Mazda

        Is there any answer for this? Mine is the same question. Couldn’t find the ‘Wireless’ option anywhere.

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Can you let me know what is your router model?

    2. shipjeom Avatar

      Just click on Quick Setup

    3. floating jungkook Avatar
      floating jungkook

      Click ‘Quick Setup’

  58. Fir'daus Amin Avatar
    Fir’daus Amin

    camne nk tau id ngan pass sendri?

  59. YANG Avatar

    Hi, it shows “Please configure your Wireless Modem Router through wired (RJ45 cable) via Streamyx Self Instalation CD”, can we skip this step as I dont have the CD and please advise what’s the next? There is no any menu display on the page.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, may I know in what situation you see this message?

      1. YANG Avatar

        Hi, sorry for late reply. The message appear after I login. Thank you.

  60. roy rambo` Avatar
    roy rambo`

    Authentication failed!!
    Incorrect Username or Password
    awad dia naik yg nih? dah buat mcam yg diajar dah.. tpi still takdapat masuk.. knp eh?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Pastikan huruf besar dan kecil, dan MAC id betul.

  61. Ingin Tahu Avatar
    Ingin Tahu

    i can’t log in…it say wrong id or password…

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, have you change the password before?

      1. Ingin Tahu Avatar
        Ingin Tahu

        No. Never. 1st time

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Hi, can you confirm the 4 digit of your MAC id is correct or have you tried using “tmadmin” as username and password?

        2. cloud Avatar

          hi, sorry for joining this conversation. i was trying to login too but it shows the id password incorrect. last time i was able to login using the same method. is the tm changing or controlling the login?

        3. Barzrul Avatar

          Hi. No, we control the login detail. No body can change it unless they connected to the network.

      2. Haris Khan Avatar
        Haris Khan


      3. Nazatul Fiqah Avatar
        Nazatul Fiqah

        I have.. so what should i do if i cant log in..

  62. Ingin Tahu Avatar
    Ingin Tahu

    hi Barzul,i can’t log in…

  63. Marc Avatar

    I already logged in the page but it doesn’t have any “Wireless”. Instead, it only have the “Quick Setup” at the top. Is it the same? Can I use that page to change it?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, as long as you can find the SSID setting. Should be fine.

  64. syafiqah Avatar

    can i know why do my router always show red sign for the ‘internet’..eventhough i already pays the bill on time..

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Do you restart the modem. Turn off and wait for 10 sec.

      1. ah xian Avatar
        ah xian

        Hi Barzrul, i didnt saw Wireless so i tried to use quick setup as u mention below, and my modem still remain to show the red sign after i restarted the modem, may i know whats the reason ??

  65. Zahir Avatar

    I cannot open the webpage after reset. What should i do 😢😢

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, there should be no problem. Have you re-try?

  66. Edwin Hor Avatar
    Edwin Hor

    when i login with my id i could not find any ‘wireless’ word inside that website hope u can search the problem and overcome it ty

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, which modem model are you using?

  67. Lucy Avatar

    Hi Barzrul, do u know how to widen up the bandwidth from the TM router?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi Lucy, have not heard about it. Let me check.

  68. Muhd Fauzi Avatar
    Muhd Fauzi

    sorry for asking..actually what is 4 unique number that is provided??

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, that is the last 4 digit of your modem MAC id.. usually the service technician will write it down on the box.

  69. eyza ashylla Avatar
    eyza ashylla

    ni boleh apply untuk maxis fibre tak?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Step utk semua modem adalah sama. Mungkin term yang di gunakan sedikit berlainan..

  70. John ArchAngel Avatar
    John ArchAngel

    I have already login. Unfortunately, after the login, it gives me a blank webpage at .
    Am I the only one that encounter this problem? Btw, I just reseted the modem

  71. isacheck Avatar

    can i know why do my router always show red sign for the ‘internet’ , and no sign for ‘wifi’ ? Bad thing is the service technician didnt give me the router box TT so i dont have that 4 particular password …

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      @isacheck:disqus Sorry for the late response, been busy doing something else. May I know if your problem has been solved?

      1. Stephanie Laing Avatar
        Stephanie Laing

        I did all the steps but my “internet” is red.

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Hi, have you try reset the modem?

        2. Virgil Avatar

          I did reset it but nothing happen

    2. Mysterious Peter Avatar
      Mysterious Peter

      actually you can just try ‘tmadmin’ for the password.

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