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U Mobile GX68 review – Plus RM18 for hi-speed internet


An upgrade from GX50 postpaid plan, U Mobile introduces GX68 plan. Looking at the plan, I think this plan is quite attractive, let’s see what are the upgrades. This is U Mobile GX68 review.

Basically, GX50 is everything except hi-speed internet. But, what I know so far, GX68 is the upgrade version of its predecessor. Is this the only upgrade from GX50? Continue reading to find out the detail.

Update: I’m currently using U Mobile GX68 with a rebate of RM10 monthly for life since I register during the promotion period.

See also U Mobile GX50 review.

U Mobile GX68 postpaid plan

DescriptionPackage plan
Monthly feeRM68 RM58 (Limited time only)
Internet dataUnlimited
Hi-speed internetUnlimited
Mobile hotspot data5GB
Voice callUnlimited to all network
SMS10 sen to all network
U Mobile GX68 Postpaid plan

If you like unlimited data with hi-speed internet, this is one you must try. Of course it’ll depend on the network coverage.

Monthly fee

As you can see in the above table, U Mobile has a limited-time promotion (at the time of writing this post). You can have a rebate of RM10 for life if you register now. So your monthly fee will be RM58, an additional RM8 from GX50.

Hi-speed internet

This is what make GX68 different from it’s predecessor. GX50 comes with speed cap at only 5Mbps, a speed of 3G while for GX68, U Mobile has removed the cap and now it is unlimited internet speed.

Final verdict

So, yeah… this answers my question. The only upgrade is the internet speed from 5Mbps to unlimited speed.

I think this plan is a good alternative. Rather than GX50, with additional RM8 (limited time offer) you can get hi-speed internet data.

What do you think? Is RM18 for unlimited speed attractive enough to you? Share you thought in the comment below.


8 responses to “U Mobile GX68 review – Plus RM18 for hi-speed internet”

  1. ilham putra Avatar
    ilham putra

    gx50 rm40 5mbps je baik amik gx38 rm35 6mbps.
    jan20 aritu aku pernah cuba dua2 gx38 rm35 6mbps dgn gx68 rm58 unlimited speed. gx38 mcm biasa maintain 4-6mbps. gx68 mula2 dpt 20-25mbps tpi bila time awal mlm dpt 5-10mbps. tapi hari2 test kdang dpt 1-2mbps. pernah skali dpt 51mbps!. tpi lepas sbulan aku terminate gx68 sebab most of the time aku dpt 0.5-1mbps! tapi gx38 sentiasa maintain 4-6mbps. nk tgk youtube pun stable berbanding gx68. tpi now dh dec mungkin gx68 dh ok. nanti nk try lagi sbulan. oh ye, gx38 50 68 cuma dpt tgk youtube 480p. if 720p tetap sangkut. cuma plan 138 katanya dpt full hd

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Good feedback.. tapi ada idea tak kenapa sama2 u Mobile tapi satu bleh dapat speed baik dan lagi satu tak baik?

  2. iskandar paniran Avatar
    iskandar paniran


    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hotspot speed adalah unlimited.

  3. fatjoe Avatar

    Hi bro,nak tanya ni umobile gx68 unlimited data kan? boleh x kita streaming video kat smartphone atau tablet? takut dia ada limitations guna social media mcm instag,facebook unlimited ja…
    Lepas nk tanya kalau letak dalam broadband x bole kan simcard ni ?
    pasal i tengah fikir nak subscribe untuk mak tengok movie di rumah semasa pkp..
    nak tanya pengalaman atau yg bro sudah guna.
    Terima kasih, stay safe everyone.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hello bro…
      Yup, GX68 unlimited internet bukan limit kepada social media saja. Bro boleh guna unlimited internet untuk stream video.
      Tak boleh letak dalam standard modem, sebab dia akan detect kita guna hotspot. So hanya boleh guna utk 5GB saja. (Kalau nak guna unlimited internet, kena cari yg modified/unlocked 4G modem).
      Kalau area rumah tu coverage baik, speed pun baik, proceed bro.

  4. Amirul Hakim bin Ahmad Avatar
    Amirul Hakim bin Ahmad

    Nak mintak pendapat tentang Telco apa yg patut saya guna.
    Saya tinggal di Pekan, Pahang. Kerap ke Saujana Utama, Sungai Buloh Selangor dan ke Puchong, Selangor. Kiranya saya selalu pergi KL/Selangor lah. Dalam sebulan sekali.

    Sekarang saya pakai Umobile P99. Dia unlimited data, unlimited call, takde speed cap. Tapi Umobile ni saya perasan, Internet dia laju dari pukul 12.30 malam sampai 11 pagi. Jadi sepanjang siang (lepas pukul 11) sampai malam internet dia tak berapa laju.

    Saya Graphic Designer. dan jugak kaki stream movie, dan download game. Jadi saya perlukan unlimited data dan kelajuan tinggi. Agak-agak tuan yang pakar, Telco dan plan apa yang sesuai? Yang internet sepanjang hari dia tetap laju.

    Terima kasihhh banyak-banyak membantu. saya ada terfikir pasal Celcom Mega unlimited M dan jugak Digi postpaid infinite tu. Tapi saya tak tau kelajuan dia jenis mcm umobile atau tak. Saya cuma concern pasal perubahan kelajuan internet pada waktu siang(peak hour mungkin).

    Terima kasihhhh banyak banyak.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Kalau nak yang coverage baik dan sepanjang hari consistent speed, saya rasa Maxis. Tapi Maxis mahal sangat, mungkin tuan boleh cuba Yoodo.
      Kalau tak pun, bleh cuba Celcom n Digi. Digi di kawasan bandar, boleh tahan jugak speed dia. Tapi pun ada peak hour dia, skrg ramai sangat guna Digi.
      Celcom pun ok jugak.
      (Ni hanya dari pengalaman saya.)

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