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Streamyx Wifi issues and solutions


I realized that many of you may have trouble with Streamyx Wifi connection, so I decided to compile all the known Streamyx Wifi issues and solutions into this one comprehensive post.

This post contains a collection of links to a post regarding how to fix Streamyx Wifi issues. There is also a list of what are the issues you’re facing, followed by the solutions and how to fix them.

Important! First and foremost, make sure you have an active TM Streamyx account, make sure the LED light for Wifi, Internet, and DSL at the modem is ON. If any of them is OFF, then there is a high chance you have a cable connection problem or your modem is faulty.

The most basic thing to do is to restart the TM Streamyx modem. By doing this, you can isolate the possibility of overloaded processes in the modem that impacts performance degradation. Here is the proper way to full reboot TM Streamyx modem or router:

  1. Turn OFF your modem, unplug the cable and wait for 15 seconds.
  2. Plug in the cable, turn ON your modem and wait for 2 minutes.

Now, let’s see if you have encountered any of the following issues:

See also Webe (Unifi Mobile) data issues and possible solutions.

See if you have any of the following issues and fix them.

1. Forgot Streamyx Wifi password

If you’re currently connected to the wireless network, read how to view currently connected Wifi password on Windows.

You also can log in to your modem and check the password, read how to change Streamyx Wifi name and password and view the password under Wireless -> WPA/WAPI passphrase.

2. Forgot Streamyx modem password

There is no choice, you need to reset the modem by following steps provided in how to reset Streamyx modem.

3. Can’t connect more than one device to Streamyx Wifi network

You can change the number of devices that can connect to your wireless network. The complete step by step guide is available here.

4. Streamyx modem LAN light/led is OFF

Make sure the RJ45 cable network is properly fitted into the port at the back of the modem and connected to the PC. Ensure the cable is not faulty.

5. Streamyx modem internet light/led is OFF

If your internet light is turned off, it means that the connection between the modem and the internet is not established. Select which mode you are using to connect to the internet:

Router Mode: You connect to the internet automatically when you turn ON the modem.

  • Router mode dial up is where you dial Streamyx by entering your Streamyx login ID and password in your modem. The internet light might be turned off because you have entered the incorrect Streamyx login ID and password in your modem.

Bridge Mode: You manually dial to the internet using PC.

  • Bridge mode dial up is where you dial Streamyx by entering your Streamyx login ID and password in your PC. The internet light might be turned off because you have entered the incorrect Streamyx login ID and password in your PC.

6. Streamyx modem internet light/led is red after reset

Common issue after you reset the modem is the internet light/led turning to red. This is because the modem was unable to connect to the internet using your Streamyx ID.

If this issue arises after you reset the modem, you can put back your Streamyx ID and password in the WAN Service setting in your modem configuration page, read how to put in Streamyx login ID and password after reset modem.

7. Streamyx modem DSL light/led is blinking

This is the most common issue. Have you restart the modem as per mention above?

If yes and the problem still persists. Try to unplug and plug back the telephone cable, make sure the cable is connected properly to the modem.

Or try using another RJ11 telephone cable or bypass the splitter.

8. People are using my Streamyx Wifi without my permission

Change your wireless network name and password, read how to change Streamyx Wifi name and password.

Hide your wireless network name from being seen by anyone, read how to hide Streamyx Wifi network name.

Secure your TM Streamyx network with MAC filter, read how to secure Streamyx wireless network with MAC Filter.

9. Tips to improve Streamyx internet speed

Fortunately, there are a few options you can try to improve your Streamyx broadband speed. Read the tips to improve Streamyx internet speed.

Listed above are the most popular Streamyx Wifi issues. With provided solutions, hopefully, you’ll manage to solve the issues by yourself.

But, if you think that you might make the thing worse, do not proceed, please call TM for further assistance:

  • If you are using a TM telephone line, please call 100
  • If you are calling from a mobile device, please call 1 300 888 123

Let me know in the comment if you need any help.


110 responses to “Streamyx Wifi issues and solutions”

  1. lan Avatar

    nak tanya. kenapa camera cctv sy xleh connect wifi router sy ye> apps sy guna 360Eyes. sy dah disable 5ghh dan enable 2.4ghz tapi still camera cctv xleh connect wifi. penat dah cuba banyak kali. reset banyak kali dah semua devices. harap tuan dapat bantu. kalau ada apa2 setting ke…terima kasih

  2. S Avatar

    Hi, after modem reset to factory version, the connection is abnormaly slow. How can I fix it? model Innacom W3410N.

  3. Adam Avatar


    Network security key default?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Kalau default ssid name dan ssid password boleh tengok pada kotak modem tu.

      1. Puteri Avatar

        Salam, modem sy yang satu hanya lan1 menyala dan lampu internet merah, kenapa ye?

  4. husain mahayudin Avatar
    husain mahayudin


    modem saya tm d-link dsl 2640b ada masalah.mula2 boleh pakai waktu pagi tapi bila petang,router ini memang menyala seperti.Namun,logo di dsl asyik berkelip-kelip.sampai sekarang tak boleh pakai.pakai internet pun data sendiri.harap boleh tolong .sekian terima kasih.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, dah try toruble shoot macam dalam post di atas?

    2. Shin Insemnia Avatar
      Shin Insemnia

      Masalah sye same. Waktu pagi, petang malam mesti ade time internet down and dah fed up buat complain and pihak tm dah banyak kali datang cek and pihak technician die pun x de jalan penyelesaian. Dah adu kat mcmc dan pihak tm hantar specialist tapi masih xde jalan penyelesaian. Tempat saye xde choice selain streamyx.

  5. mohdnasyit nooh Avatar
    mohdnasyit nooh


    modem baru je setting kat TM, 2-3 hari pakai tetiba SSID jadi ke D-Link semula dan hilang setting.. pelik..

    sekali setting dah RM50… ada x cara mcmna nak setting ni sbb dah masukkan setting username, password yg TM bg tapi xde internet pulak..

    mcmna ni.. pening..

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam.. Modem beli sendiri atau modem TM? Cuba run Quick Setup, masukkan Streamyx id n password. Lain jgn ubah.

      1. mohdnasyit nooh Avatar
        mohdnasyit nooh

        dah buat, tapi masih xde connection.. tertera limited access pulak…

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          sorry lambat response. masih ada issue atau dah settle?

        2. mohdnasyit nooh Avatar
          mohdnasyit nooh

          masih lg.. dah reset ke factory setting dan sudah buat setting ikut username dan password dr streamyx…. masih xde internet.. pelik pula..ada ke apa2 yg lain perlu diubah?

        3. Barzrul Avatar

          kalau buka internet explorer, apa error yang keluar?

      2. mohdnasyit nooh Avatar
        mohdnasyit nooh

        modem beli sendiri, modelDSL-2730E

    2. Shin Insemnia Avatar
      Shin Insemnia

      Kenape kene bayar setting rm50 modem? Bukan modem lifetime warranty? Setting pun diorang punya free support je call datang rumah. Klau modem router beli sendiri just isi username and password ambik dari pihak tm free, and kalau takut setting boleh mintak tolong tempat beli tu setting free. Saye lame dah langgan streamyx, pastu pakai unifi and pindah kene pakai streamyx balik tapi x pernah kene bayar rm50 setting modem beli sendiri ke tm ke. Pelik

      1. mohdnasyit nooh Avatar
        mohdnasyit nooh

        modem beli tempat lain sbb suspek modem TM ni masalah.. setting kat tm jadi kena byr RM50. tu pun hilang setting tiba2… skrg ni nak check wiring pulak..sbb guna balik modem lama TM yg dikatakan bermasalah tu tapi sbnrnya ok.. ntah apa2 la berurusan dgn org kat kaunter tm point tu. ni nak check wiring ni pun kena byr lagi kat kontraktor mreka.. byk mau byr, settle entah tidak.. mcm kena kikis rasanya.. hahaha… apa2 rekemen pun x blh pakai. nak dpt sale byk ke apa mreka ni…

  6. cthafizah yahya Avatar
    cthafizah yahya

    macam mana nak disable ap isolation pada router?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, cuba check dekat Wireless >> Wireless Advance.

  7. hafiz Avatar

    Salam…saya nak tny router mana y harus saya pilih utk modem saya??sbb dlm option box tu dia bagi Router SUBB, Router HSBB(klu x silap) , Router Gateway, dan Bridge..mohon bantu mna harus saya pilih..

  8. Iszuan Zaimi Avatar
    Iszuan Zaimi

    Salam, saya nak tanya. Kenapa internet lan cable jadi slow bila on wifi dekat modem? Bila off wifi dekat modem, internet dekat pc laju. Kenapa ye? (modem DSL-2750E)

  9. Norshahira Che Haron Avatar
    Norshahira Che Haron

    salam nk tye.. kenapa lampu internet n dsl xmenyala ye? Lampu wifi je nyala

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      DSL ni selalunya sebab cable atau spiltter. cuba check cable, unplug then plug semula atau cuba cable lain.

  10. John Kandigau Avatar
    John Kandigau

    As salam En Barzul.Saya sangat suka dgn Blog anda.Ia sangat informatif dan berguna.Disini saya ingin meminta nasihat dan bantuan dri En Barzul jika tidak keberatan berkenaan dengan TM Streamyx saya..
    Saya dapati WIFI saya telah di Hack dan walaupun saya telah membuat MAC Filter,berulang kali menukar password yang agak kuat,Hide SSID Broadscast tetapi tidak juga menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.
    Untuk makluman Modem saya ialah ADSL Riger DB120WL.Saya sertakan juga Screenshot Network Scan oleh Antivirus saya untuk rujukan En Barzul.Sekian terima kasih.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam John.. utk modem Riger, by default ia akan broadcast hidden network usually known as riger1 or riger2 and etc.. dan default passwordnya sama dgn wifi name.. dan awak x boleh disable hidden network ni.. walaupun awak tukar SSID name awak, ia tak apply pada hidden network ni.. ini keburukan modem Riger.. jalan penyelesaiannya adalah tukar modem.

      1. John Kandigau Avatar
        John Kandigau

        Oh.macam tu..Apa jenama modem yang Tuan boleh cadangkan?Tkasih..

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Awal cuba minta tukar dengan TM, boleh ambik mana2 modem brand selain Riger.

        2. John Kandigau Avatar
          John Kandigau

          Ok.Tkasih bnyk2 tn Barzul..

        3. Barzrul Avatar

          Ok bro.. sama2.

  11. Noratikah Mohd Yusof Avatar
    Noratikah Mohd Yusof

    Salam. H/p saya boleh connect wifi tp no internet connection. H/p lain okay saja. Try connect wifi lain pon okay. Wifi rumah sj yg tak boleh? Kenapa ye?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam.. try masuk ke wifi list, select wifi yg ada prob tu and click forget.. then cuba connect semula ke wifi tu.

      1. Noratikah Mohd Yusof Avatar
        Noratikah Mohd Yusof

        Dah try forget, still sama. Klau tgok wifi bar, okay saja. Tp internet connection xda.

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Go to settting > wifi. Dia tunjuk “connected” atau “obtaining IP address..”?

        2. Noratikah Mohd Yusof Avatar
          Noratikah Mohd Yusof

          Takpe, dah settle. Kena update phone software. Thanks.

        3. Barzrul Avatar

          Ooh ok.. good to know.

  12. Mohdkhairulfahmigirun Mkfg Avatar
    Mohdkhairulfahmigirun Mkfg

    Salam Mr. Barzrul

    Internet kat rumah ni mula2 jadi sangat lembab. Asalnya semua lampu wifi, internet, dan dsl menyala warna putih.
    Bila tekan button wps setup sebelah belakang modem terus lampu internet dan lampu dsl tak menyala, lampu wifi menyala warna putih
    Dah tekan butang reset dan dah log in semula n buat password baru.
    Tapi still lampu internet dan lampu dsl tidak menyala. Yang menyala hanya lampu wifi jer warna putih

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Dah masukkan Streamyx ID dan password?

  13. Fadhlyana Fadhil Avatar
    Fadhlyana Fadhil

    Salam Mr. Bazrul,

    I can’t seem to connect my MSI Laptop with the TM Free WiFi Service. I can, however, connect my laptop to my own handphone hotspot internet.. please do advice, it’s difficult for me at work as i can not connect to the TM Free WiFi!

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, do you able to connect to the Wifi service before?

  14. Sabrina Rajanthiran Avatar
    Sabrina Rajanthiran

    Dear Mr. Bazrul, I appreciate your dedication in providing tech-related tips. I have a question for you. I teach English to Koreans living in Korea. This is my job. However, the Streamyx 4 Mbps connection that I have is unstable. Sometimes the call is clear, but sometimes the call is really bad. The same goes with watching Youtube videos. Sometimes 720p videos load without a problem, sometime it is even a problem to load 144p videos. Occasionally, all of my devices get disconnected from the internet too. What do you think is the problem, Mr. Bazrul? Is it the modem or is it TM’s infrastructure outside? Please let me know. Thank you! Have a nice day…

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hello Sabrina.. sounds like the wiring cable issue because it also affect your call line. I would suggest you to get TM technical assist to inspect the wiring cable.

      1. Sabrina Rajanthiran Avatar
        Sabrina Rajanthiran

        Thank you for your reply. I think you have misunderstood my comment. What I meant was online calling, like Skype and Google Hangouts, not my house phone. Sometimes Google Hangouts is unstable for my voice calls. And of course, YouTube videos also. And sometimes my devices get disconnected from the WiFi too. So, what do you think is the problem? Is it TM’s infrastructure or is it the TM modem or another issue? Thank you!

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Hi, now sound more like TM’s modem issue. Even you get inconsistent speed, your devices should not get disconnected. What modem model do you use?

        2. Sabrina Rajanthiran Avatar
          Sabrina Rajanthiran

          I am using the modem provided by TM.

          According to the box, the model number is as follows:

          It is still not pass one year. So, if the modem is the problem, I can get TM to replace it free of charge? If it really is the modem, how to proof it to TM?

          Thank you!

        3. Barzrul Avatar

          You can call them up and complaint about the intermittent disconnect issue you are facing. They will troubleshoot it for your. If it is really the modem issue, they will replace it for free of charge.

  15. Shin Joseph Avatar
    Shin Joseph

    Hello sir, i have follow all your step before. I now can detect my wifi same with my lan cable. But another problem is that, once i connect i still cant use the internet. Which means that even i try to browse my internet is not working. Able to connect. But the internet is not working. Lights on modem all looks normal. Internet light is on, adsl is on. Everything look normal. Now the problem is just i still cant access to Internet. Any idea sir?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      You can’t connect to internet using wifi and lan cable?

  16. Nur Zhafarina Avatar
    Nur Zhafarina

    salam.. saya punya internet jadi merah la. mulanya saya nak tukar password lain saya dah ikut step betul2. last sekali saya click save. terus jadi merah internet tu and no line terus. saya rasa saya tersilap streamyx id dgn wifi id. saya sama kan dua2 nama tu. macam mana nak buat ni ye? tolonggg T_T

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, sambung modem ke pc guna cable then login semula ke modem dah tukar streamyx id awak.

      1. suzuki Avatar

        as salam….maaf bole bantu saya?|
        Saya log in di tu…tukar wireless connection 2.4ghz N sahaja…lepastu terus laptop x ley connect…saya try masuk balek at tuh…tp error page….cmne ni>

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Wassalam, connect pc to modem guna cable then login ke semula.

        2. suzuki Avatar

          Thank you….it worked

        3. Barzrul Avatar

          Great. You’re welcome.

  17. Muhammad Faiz Avatar
    Muhammad Faiz

    Salam… td ada laa guna tip bro barzrul utk speed up line wifi. Guna kaedah username tmadmin dan password admin@xxxx. Ok dapat masuk… lps tu ade laa mcm usik2 sikit benda2 lain… then lps tu, smpai ke saat ni wifi xjd. Lmpu led utk internet jd merah dan led wifi xnyala langsung… so, mcm mane nk buat ye…. dh laa wifi pakcik. Adoi…

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam.. setting apa yg diusik2 tu?

      1. Muhammad Faiz Avatar
        Muhammad Faiz

        Xbrapa ingt jgk… mula2 buat lngkah kedua nk tukar yg b+g+n ke n… xboleh sbb system tu ckp xleh… lps tu buat langkah sterusnya smua xleh… pstu tukar password tmadmin tu dgn password lain. Lg ade buat yg mcm nk set up balik punye akaun… dia suruh tekan next… sy tekan je laa smpai siap proses tu… then lmpu led internet jd merah… terus xleh guna smpai skrng

      2. Muhammad Faiz Avatar
        Muhammad Faiz

        Yg ni line wifi ade lg tp internet je xde… los tu panik p reset balik akaun guna default setting… terus lmpu led wifi hilang… n lmpu led internet kekal merah… xleh dah nk log in dlm sistem..

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Sambung modem ke pc guna cable > open > log in guna default username dan password > masukkan streamyx account id n password > save

  18. Amin Amsyar Amir Avatar
    Amin Amsyar Amir

    Salam, wps dekat modem saya tidak menyala. Macam mana nak enable wps ni ?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Kena login ke modem dan enable kan wps.

  19. farah nordin Avatar
    farah nordin

    Salam nk tanye.. streamyx problem . Lampu internet and dsl langsung tak naik. Kenapa erk?

    1. Firdaus Suhaimi Avatar
      Firdaus Suhaimi

      Sama masalah. Lampu DSL tak menyala.

      1. Barzrul Avatar

        Line telephone ok x?

        1. Firdaus Suhaimi Avatar
          Firdaus Suhaimi

          Sebenarnya saya pakai astro IPTV Maxis Fibre. Tapi coverage under TM. Saya tak amek pakej telephone.

        2. Barzrul Avatar

          Ok, awak dah try ikut post di atas?

        3. Firdaus Suhaimi Avatar
          Firdaus Suhaimi

          Dah cuba unplug wire, masih tak boleh. Belum cuba tukar rj11. Nak kena beli dulu,

        4. Firdaus Suhaimi Avatar
          Firdaus Suhaimi

          Dah beli, tapi tak boleh jugak. Masih tak menyala

        5. Barzrul Avatar

          Ada guna splitter dari wall outlet ke modem?

    2. Barzrul Avatar

      Dah check line telephone?

  20. Apple Zainudin Avatar
    Apple Zainudin

    hai, saya ada masalah laptop tak boleh connect dgn wifi rumah. wifi rumah saya ada dua router. sbb kalau satu router je wifi tak sampai dekat area belakang rumah. laptop boleh detect satu router je. router kedua tk boleh detect. and tak boleh connect dgn both router. saya dah reset modem kedua bila reset lampu wifi tak menyala.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      kena enable wireless dalam setting router.

  21. mohamad luqman Avatar
    mohamad luqman

    salam, selepas reset modem lampu led tm dan dsl sahaja yg menyala. saya, sudah restart modem tapi led untuk internet masih tidak menyala. ada penyelesaian lain tak?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, dah check cable connection?

      1. mohamad luqman Avatar
        mohamad luqman

        sudah, wire semua connected. selepas reset, lampu dsl dan logo tm yang besar sahaja yang menyala yang lain terpadam. Mungkin modem tm problem selepas reset. atau ada langkah lain yang perlu saya buat selepas saya reset dan restart modem?

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Selepas reset, kena masukkan semula Streamyx ID dan password. Pastikan betul..

        2. mohamad luqman Avatar
          mohamad luqman

          Macam mana nak masukkan sebab internet tidak berjalan. Boleh bagi langkah-langkah dia?

        3. Barzrul Avatar

          login ke modem > quick setup

        4. mohamad luqman Avatar
          mohamad luqman

          fixed dah problem. problem dekat lan cable. sebab tu tak boleh masuk kat quick setup.

        5. Barzrul Avatar

          Orait bro.. nasib baik check cable 😉

  22. Shariz Avatar

    Assalamualaikum, saya punya browser selalu keluar ads bila connect dengan wifi kat rumah, tapi kalau guna wifi lain xde kluar ads. Phone pun kluar ads bila connect dengan wifi kat rumah. Macam mana nak settle kan problem ni ye?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, apa ads yg kluar?

      1. Shariz Avatar

        pop up ads yang selalu keluar bila guna wifi rumah. Kalau guna wifi lain xde.

        1. Tronald Dump Avatar
          Tronald Dump

          maybe ade hidden adsware kot.

  23. Tchild Swee Avatar
    Tchild Swee

    facing constant internet disconnection almost 2 to 3 times per day that requires fixing connection and reset modem but the problem still persist…any help please?

    i’m using streamyx 4mbps with 2 pc wirely connected to a tm d-link modem.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, is the disconnect issue happen on both PC or just one?

      1. Tchild Swee Avatar
        Tchild Swee

        both pc.

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          The problem now narrowed down to whether your cable, modem or ISP that causing the unstable connection. Is the problem still happen if you are using wireless network?

        2. Tchild Swee Avatar
          Tchild Swee

          yup, once disconnect even smartphone wifi also hilang…don’t think it is the cable…
          if it is the ISP, what can i do? if call tm they usually just tell you to reset/restart modem…

        3. Tchild Swee Avatar
          Tchild Swee

          just recall months ago some dude from tm called me to promote unifi, he said streamxy cable made of copper can rust so that is why “internet selalu putus putus….tukar unifi la” tapi my pocket byk ketat so i tak layan dia…

          can it be true what that dude was saying?

        4. Tchild Swee Avatar
          Tchild Swee

          some correction….i haven’t really “reset” modem yet, what i did were just restarting it…constantly

        5. Barzrul Avatar

          One thing you can try is to use different modem to see whether it is related to the modem. If you can rule out the modem, then its must be ISP.

        6. Tchild Swee Avatar
          Tchild Swee

          my internet speed test ok, ping 32, dlspeed around 4mbps.
          as for testing out other modem, will try that soon….thanks for reply.

        7. Barzrul Avatar

          Can be true also. But that should not be the reason. How about your internet speed. Do you get what you paid for?

        8. Tchild Swee Avatar
          Tchild Swee

          setting up new modem, so far so good because using not even more than 3 hours…
          this modem same model dlink DSL-2640B but no tm logo and when log in to router it doesn’t show snr margin or line attenuation… how to configure it to show more details?

        9. Tchild Swee Avatar
        10. Barzrul Avatar

          How is your connection now, still having the disconnect issue?

        11. Tchild Swee Avatar
          Tchild Swee

          called tm, they came check then later changed new telephone wire….everything running smooth now.

        12. Barzrul Avatar

          Great.. so after all, it was due to the telephone cable.. I should create a post to help people who might have similar issue.. thanks.

  24. Armitron Mine Avatar
    Armitron Mine

    Same here… Please help me… Lampu wifi ngan dsl putih… Tp lampu internet merah… Mcm mane ni???

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Ada buat apa2 tak sebelum dia jadi merah?

      1. Armitron Mine Avatar
        Armitron Mine

        Ade tekan butang reset

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Masalah dah settle?

        2. Armitron Mine Avatar
          Armitron Mine

          Blom settle

        3. Barzrul Avatar

          Dah masukkan Streamyx login ID dan password?

        4. Umar Avatar

          Dekat mana ye nak isi streamyx id n password?

        5. Barzrul Avatar

          Cari setting untuk PPOE.

  25. Aya Suhaida Avatar
    Aya Suhaida

    assalam, sy ada masalah dgn streamy wifi tp -link, Petang tadi sy ada wat aduan kpd Tm tetapi wifi sy masih x dpt dikonet. Sebelum ni sy cb ikut cara encik bagaimana reset semula modem ttp tdak jadi. masalah berpunca atas kecuaian saya tertekan punat wps sebelah butang on/off. Sudikah encik bantu saya. urgent.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam. Bleh bg lebih detail?

      1. Aya Suhaida Avatar
        Aya Suhaida

        Assalammualaikum, terima kasih kerna balas komen sy. Begini ceritanya, sy dlm kelam kabut ketika itu lalu tertekan punat kecik wps sebelah On/Off. Selepas kejadian tersebut, saya tfk dpt wifi connection asik sambung putus bl cuba konet. Perlukah sy tukar id and password streamyx utk reset semula. Sy telah cuba step by step disarankan oleh encik. Apa masalahnya? Kesemua lampu di modem menyala termasuk wifi.

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Wassalam Aya, awak press wps button utk 5 saat smpai wifi/wps led blinking quickly. Kalau lepas tekan tapi wifi/wps led blinking slowly, press sekali lagi. Cuba sekarang.

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