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How to use MAC Filter on Huawei B315 4G modem to allow or block device


Here’s how to use MAC Filter on Huawei B315 4G modem to allow or deny connection from any devices using their MAC address. If you know the device MAC address, you can use MAC Filter function to allow and block certain device from using your Wifi network.

For example, if you have only 4 devices in your house, but there are 6 devices that are currently connected to your network, that means, the other two are unknown connection. To prevent this, you have two options:

  • you can block that two unknown devices using their MAC address or,
  • allow only your four devices to connect to your home Wifi network.

Just to be save, you need to enable the MAC Filter in both WLAN and Security settings.

Note: This tutorial was done on Huawei B315s-936 4G modem. Other series like B310-22, B315-22, B315-608, B315-968 should have similar steps.

See also how to hide Wifi network name on Huawei B315 4G modem.

How to set up MAC filter in WLAN settings

  1. Open any internet browser.
  2. Go to
  3. If it is in the Chinese language, you might want to change to your preferred language:
    • Click the down arrow button located at the top right corner of the screen
    • Select your language.
  4. Click Log In at the top right corner.
  5. Enter the login detail, default as follows:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin or admin123
  6. Select Settings from the top menu.
  7. Select WLAN from the menu on the left.
  8. Select WLAN MAC Filter sub-menu.
  9. Set MAC address filtering mode in the WLAN MAC Filter drop-down list box:
    • Disable: Disable the WLAN MAC filter (default).
    • Allow: Allow a client to connect to the device using the WLAN if the client’s MAC address exists in the MAC Address list.
    • Deny: Deny a client’s connection to the device using the WLAN if the client’s MAC address exists in the MAC Address list.
  10. Enter the device’s MAC address in the provided empty box.
  11. Once done, click Apply.

How to set up MAC Filter in Security settings

  1. Open any internet browser.
  2. Go to
  3. If it is in the Chinese language, you might want to change to your preferred language:
    • Click the down arrow button located at the top right corner of the screen
    • Select your language.
  4. Click Log In at the top right corner.
  5. Enter the login detail, default as follows:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin or admin123
  6. Select Settings from the top menu.
  7. Select Security from the menu on the left.
  8. Select Firewall Switch sub-menu.
  9. Check the box next to Enable MAC Filter.
  10. Click Apply.
  11. Select MAC Filter sub-menu.
  12. Set MAC address filtering mode in the WLAN MAC Filter drop-down list box:
    • Disable: Disable the WLAN MAC filter (default).
    • Allow: Allow a client to connect to the device using the WLAN if the client’s MAC address exists in the MAC Address list.
    • Deny: Deny a client’s connection to the device using the WLAN if the client’s MAC address exists in the MAC Address list.
  13. Enter the device’s MAC address in the provided empty box.
  14. Once done, click Apply.

Depend on what you decide above. If it is allowed device list, you’ll need to add the device’s MAC address to the list every time you have a new device. If it is a blocked device list, you just have to maintain only known devices can connect to your Wifi network.

If there’s anything you’d like to ask me, leave them in the comment below.


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