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How to reset Streamyx Innacom modem


Forgot Streamyx modem username and password? Learn how to reset Streamyx modem to its factory setting. Once you reset the router with the following guide, your router will be as fresh as it comes out of the box.

Important! Below step-by-step tutorial will reset all settings in your modem and wireless network configuration. Please carefully follow each step to continue using your internet.

Make sure this is your last choice after you’ve tried everything. Have you read this post regarding how to change your Streamyx modem password? Can you remember the password? Still no, continue reading.

Note: I’m using the default modem provided by TM which is Wireless G ADSL 2+ Innacom W3400V6 modem.

See also Streamyx Wifi issues and solutions.

How to reset Streamyx Innacom modem

Final reminder. Make sure this is your last choice. Confirm? Continue.

  1. Power On the Streamyx modem.
  2. Find the Reset hole — it should be at the back of the modem, on the right side of the ON/OFF switch (as shown in the above image).
  3. Get a paper clip.
  4. Using the paper clip, press the Reset button through the hole until the signal indicator lights start to blink.

Now your Streamyx modem is already pre-configured to its factory setting.

Note: You can proceed with the Quick Setup to complete the new configuration automatically.

Important! You must enter your Streamyx ID and password during the setup. If you can’t remember them, please call 100 for help.


65 responses to “How to reset Streamyx Innacom modem”

  1. Aidil Avatar

    Saya da tekan butang reset dalam 20 saat, pastu yang nyala lampu merah pada INTERNET, DSL ngan TM nyala putih cam biasa, bole bantu tak tuan

    1. saha Avatar

      tu tandanya masih xleh connect internet, cuba masuk guna kabel..setup kt sana pastikan ade streamyx id dekat kotak tu.

  2. saha Avatar

    connected tapi no internet access selepas tukar paswword wifi unifi di
    kalau reeset,ape perlu saya buat tanpa bantuan technician maklumla sekarang kan mco

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Connect guna cable pun masih xda internet?

      1. saha Avatar

        masih xde jugak..tapi sekarang ni dia keluar mesej “Additional logon information may be required”.

  3. saha Avatar

    saya cuba tukar password wifi unifi, connected tapi no internet access..modem netis..mulanya saya cuba tukar password pakai wifi tu..jadi masalah..baru saya teringat kene tukar password pakai cable..lpas tu saya cuba pakai cable guna tutorial dri youtube tpi xjadi jugak..ade ape2 ke saya tertinggal..kalau saya tekan butang reset..bole ke saya cuba configuresendiri tanpa bantuan technician mereka maklum la sekarang kan pkp.terima kasih

  4. mubarak mendung Avatar
    mubarak mendung

    Asalam bos, tumpang tanya .. kalau masa isi ni kita tersalah ke apa . Dia jadi mcm mana ? Boleh jadi rosak terus ke moderm wifi kite ke ?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam.. modem x rosak kalau salah masuk info.

  5. danial Avatar

    salam barzul, saya punya internet selalu “no internet access”.
    then bila right click dekat icon internet tu then “troubleshoot problems” then result dia keluar “The DNS server isn’t responding”

      1. danial Avatar

        saya try buka page
        tapi tak dapat.
        “This page isn’t working didn’t send any data.

    1. mzl Avatar

      salam barzul.
      same case with me. what is the reason?
      am using tp-link modem

      This page isn’t working didn’t send any data.

      1. Barzrul Avatar

        Hi, bleh baca post ni utk check modem or router ip address –>

        1. danial Avatar

          hi, saya dah check ikut step dekat link ni. and ip address utk
          IPv4 Default Gateway:

          tapi bila saya try guna web tak dapat. still keluar error yg sama.

          adakah modem saya ada prob?

        2. Barzrul Avatar

          ada cuba guna browser lain?

    2. Drunken Subtlety Avatar
      Drunken Subtlety

      aku jadi camni gak dulu . ni mesti salah username ngan pass .
      username mesti > XXXXX@streamyx
      password better call 100 tnya balik ape default password dia

  6. portgas ace Avatar
    portgas ace

    bro, can teach me how to reconfigure dlink DSL-2640B modem? Firmware ver GE_1.07

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Bro, what do you mean by reconfigure? what are the specific setting you want to change?

  7. fazzmee Avatar

    salam barzrul..saya punya tm wifi selalu auto restart kenapa ya?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam.. maksud awak, wifi auto restart atau modem auto restart?

      1. fazzmee Avatar

        modem auto restart

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          could be the modem itself got problem.

  8. amir Avatar

    Where do i key in my streamyx login id and password ?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Advance setup 》WAN service

      1. heng jie Avatar
        heng jie

        why i cant see “WAN service” under “Advance setup”

  9. Fiona Limban Avatar
    Fiona Limban

    Internet sy red light, what should I do? Dia jadi mcm tu lepas sy cuba nak tukar password 😢

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Apa maksud lepas awak cuba nak tukar password. Dah tukar atau belum?

  10. Zack Iskandar Avatar
    Zack Iskandar

    asalmmualaikum saya pon mempunyai gejala yg hampir sama . mula2 lepas saya tukar pasword jadi internet merah. then lpas dah flow up. dah okey.. now wifi boleh conect. internet menyala. cuma kerap naik sign in to wlan kenapa yer? xley buang ke? harap dapat membantu or fast respone to wsap 0175526091 tq

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Waalaikumussalam.. ada enable WLAN?

  11. rissay m. Avatar
    rissay m.

    Sya dh tkan reset button tp lmpu dkt bhgian intrnet tak brkelip

  12. Nfarhana Zainal Avatar
    Nfarhana Zainal

    Salam. Saya dah buat semua step. Lepas connect dgn LAN, connection ada tapi no internet access. Dah off router lebih dari 10saat, banyak kali dah. How? 😭

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Cuba baca artikel ni –>

      Kalau x boleh juga, bg detail apa error yg keluar dan status led?

  13. lan lanis Avatar
    lan lanis

    salam bro barzrul…modem sy lampu wifi xmyala..wifi pn xconnect..just tekan reset je ke?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, dah cuba restart modem. Off > biar 10 saat > On apa jadi?

  14. Khong Wenjun Avatar
    Khong Wenjun

    Can u help me?i press the reset button,and now cant use the internet anymore.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, what happen?

  15. Muhammad Nabil Avatar
    Muhammad Nabil

    Salam.. saya terlupa modem username dan password.. kalau reset modem boleh reset modem username sekali ka?

  16. amahehe Avatar

    salam bro, kenapa lepas reset terus takde wifi? dekat modem ni cuma lampu dsl je yang menyala

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Salam bro. Ada try restart modem x?

      1. Armitron Mine Avatar
        Armitron Mine

        Same here… Please help me… Lampu wifi ngan dsl putih… Tp lampu internet merah… Mcm mane ni???

  17. Alvin Soo Avatar
    Alvin Soo

    how to do without using LAN-cable

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Can you open

  18. biri aq99 Avatar
    biri aq99

    Sy tereset Adress…x pasti mac adress atau adress ape..lpastu tros x leh bkak ni bole ..lps ter reset tros x boleh…mohon pencerahan plszz.. T_T

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, macam mana awak reset?

      1. biri aq99 Avatar
        biri aq99

        Haritu mule2 nk tuka password guna …lps tu nk tuka lagi ,time nk tuka tu terkekan reset atau remove ke ape kat adress..x pasti sme ade mac adress atau adress ape lps tu tros x leh bukak …

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Ada lagi masaalah ni?

        2. biri aq99 Avatar
          biri aq99

          still ade lg…x dpt bkak da skrg.. sblom ni bole je disebabkab tereset mac adress kot

        3. biri aq99 Avatar
          biri aq99

          ade lgii … msh xsetel lgi..

        4. Barzrul Avatar

          Boleh connect ke wifi?

          Bleh guna internet?

          Cuma tak boleh masuk

        5. biri aq99 Avatar
          biri aq99


        6. biri aq99 Avatar
          biri aq99

          internet wifi sume ok…cume x blh msk…

        7. Barzrul Avatar

          Awak guna Chrome?

        8. biri aq99 Avatar
          biri aq99

          dah gne chrome..mozilla..opera.. internet explorer pon x bole..

        9. Barzrul Avatar

          Cuba check IP address komputer awak?

  19. esh ibra Avatar
    esh ibra

    stelah reset mcm mna nk reconnect??

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, boleh baca post ini untuk set SSID dan password. Kemudian connect macam biasa.

  20. Noqman Yaacob Avatar
    Noqman Yaacob

    Nak tanya. lepas saya reset lampu internet jadi merah dan lampu dsl je menyala. Kalau saya pakai LAN dia boleh sampung internet tak?

  21. Shi Jin Tee Avatar
    Shi Jin Tee

    after i reset the modem, why i cant connect to since i had used cable

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Should be no issue. Can you re-try?

      1. Shi Jin Tee Avatar
        Shi Jin Tee

        after retry for few times it works again. thx for ur help

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          No problem mate.

  22. Ifan Kepeng Avatar
    Ifan Kepeng

    Salam . nak tny kalau restore pc to default balik .. Connection modem tu kena buat lain tak?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      @ifankepeng:disqus kalau hanya restore pc, dia tak akan gangu setting pada modem.

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