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How to put in Streamyx PPPoE ID and password after reset modem


Your Streamyx modem internet LED shows red light after reset modem? It means you have missed one important step after restore the modem setting to its factory default setting. In this post, you will learn how to put in Streamyx PPPoE ID and password after reset modem to solve the issue.

I have received many emails regarding Streamyx modem showing red light after reset the modem. Most of them were referring to my tutorial on how to reset Streamyx modem. Once done with the steps, they are seeing the red light and it won’t turn blue or green.

This is because you didn’t put back the information which is needed by the modem to establish the connection to your Streamyx account. Since you have reset the modem, all this information is gone and you need to manually put it back or run a quick setup.

In order to allow the internet connection to be established, the most important step is you need to put in your Streamyx PPPoE ID and password. This is the information that the ISP provides when you register with them.

Note: This tutorial is for TM Streamyx Innacomm W3400V6 modem.

See also how to change Streamyx modem password.

How to put in Streamyx PPPoE ID and password after reset modem

Actually, there are two methods to reconfigure your Streamyx account after reset modem. The fastest way is to use the Quick Setup, and the other one is to manually configure your account.

If you prefer the manual method, the detailed steps are as follows.

  1. Open any internet browser.
  2. Go to
  3. Enter your login detail:
    • Username/ID: tmadmin
    • Password: Adm@XXXX (XXXX is the last 4 digit of your modem MAC address)
  4. Click Login.
  5. Select Advanced Setup menu.
  6. Select WAN Service sub-menu.
  7. Click Add button.
  8. In PPP/PPPoE Username box, enter your Streamyx ID.
    • For example: yourname@streamyx
    • If it is missing, please call 100 for help
  9. In PPP/PPPoE Password box, enter your Streamyx password.
    • Both of this information — Streamyx login ID and password were usually written on the router box by the service technician
    • If it is missing, please call 100 for help
  10. In PPPoE Service Name box, leave it blank.
  11. In Authentication Method box, select AUTO.
  12. Check the box for the following:
    • Enable NAT
    • Enable IPv6 for this service
    • Request IPv6 address
    • Request Prefix Delegation
  13. Check the box for Bridge PPPoE Frames Between WAN and Local Ports.
    • For MTU Size, put in 1492
    • For TCP MSS, put in 1452
  14. Click Next button.
  15. Click Apply/Save button to save the setting.
  16. Done.

Hopefully, you will be able to configure back your Streamyx modem and connect to the internet. I’ve tried my best to explain the details step by step in the above tutorial.

However, if you find them a little bit hard, you can refer to the modem manual on how to use Quick Setup method.

If you have any issues, let me know in the comment.


22 responses to “How to put in Streamyx PPPoE ID and password after reset modem”

  1. Molly Avatar

    Assalamualaikum … Tumpang tanya, 2 ke 3 bulan lepas sy bertukar modem Ke Asus ADSL-N16 dari modem TP-Link 8961. Minggu lepas internet sy putus2. Report 100, technician dah repair dan swiped port tapi masalah tetap sama. Lampu modem 3 jer yg menyala. lampu Internet tak. Technician dan operator 100 kata modem sy salah configuration or rosak. Dah beberapa kali reset pun masih sama iaitu 3 lampu jer menyala. So sy beli modem TP-Link 8961 semula secara online namun problem masih sama iaitu 3 lampu jer menyala. Dah report 100 and reset / configured/ reconfigured with them, to no avail. Any solution and advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Masalah lampu internet padam tu, masa lepas setup atau mula2 bleh guna lepastu tiba2 padam?
      Kalau tiba2 padam, bleh jd modem atau incoming line.
      Ada guna splitter? Kalau ya, cuba jgn guna splitter.
      Incoming cable ada check?

  2. Alif Avatar

    salam, saya dah reset modem, then saya nak ikut first step tu yang kena type in tapi takleh connect and modem saya tak muncul di Internet Access. macam mana ya?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Pastikan modem IP address betul. Baca sini –>
      Kalau IP address betul dan masih tak boleh access, cuba connect guna cable.

      1. Alif Avatar

        IP address betul tapi stil tak boleh access. yang connect guna cable tu. cable mana ya? yg ssaya ada cable yang connect ke main switch dgn adsl splitter je

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Cable RJ45 atau LAN cable, yg warna kuning kalau xsalah. connect dari modem ke computer.

  3. abbe Avatar

    bra macam mana nk tukar NAT type stritct to open

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Kena setup static IP address and port forward.

  4. Violet Avatar

    Saya bkk dkt advanced, tpi tak muncul pun yg WAN service tu?? Saya try dkt Interface Baru ade WAN Tu… But setting nya lain dri tutorial ni.. For PPP Settings, tak bole nk enter username or passwordnya..<spoiler>

    And for the wifi.. Dia dh bole connect, but no internet.. Semua device kt rumah saya macam tu.. After saya reset, even dh tukar password and try guna password baru Tu.. Mcm mne ye??

  5. Faiz Tallboy Avatar
    Faiz Tallboy

    Username@streamyx tu ad kt mana lgi.seb box asal dh buang,lama sgt dh x tukar .klo kta kita bli modem nk set up baru kna jg pakai username@streamyx jg ka..

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Kalo mcm tu kena call 100.. mmg kena guna streamyx id ni dkt mana2 modem utk login ke akaun streamyx kita.

      1. Faiz Tallboy Avatar
        Faiz Tallboy

        Thanks for the info bro.nti saya try call depa..

  6. Apiet Osman Avatar
    Apiet Osman

    Salam bang, saya da reset router tm streamyx, router dl4480v, sekarang saya x boleh nk connect internet.
    Ada panduan utk setup balik? Ataupun sama mcm tutorial ni jugak?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, ya.. Login ke router admin site dan ikut tutorial ni.

  7. Gua Serangga Avatar
    Gua Serangga

    Bro xada WAN menu..modem Dlink DSL2730E..

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Dekat Internet Setup ada setting utk PPPoE tak?

  8. Yi Joe Siow Avatar
    Yi Joe Siow

    hey i cant see the WAN service please help the modem model is the original one from unifi 2 years ago…

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Let me know the model and i’ll try to check.

  9. Diyana Sofea Avatar
    Diyana Sofea

    Tak jumpa WAN

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Modem tu model apa?

      1. Muhammad Amirul Al Hakim Avatar
        Muhammad Amirul Al Hakim

        Kalau model riger db120wl cmne boss?

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Ada WAN tab?

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