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Tips to improve Streamyx internet speed


Learn how to improve Streamyx internet speed with these few tips and tricks. Using these tips to improve your internet speed is extremely easy, practical and most important, they are legal.

Basically, they are related to the DNS and wireless network mode configuration. If you are regularly facing slow internet connection speed, this post is exactly for you.

But make sure that are everything related to the technical issue has been taken care of, for example, use the latest modem router model, use a proper network cable, and make sure you pay the bill.

Please remember, this is not to make your internet speed higher than it should be, it is only to maximize the full potential of your broadband speed.

Hopefully, by the end of this post, you’ll be able to use the maximum speed of your broadband package and stable connection speed.

Note: I recommend you to check your internet speed before and after the implementation to see whether below tips really can improve your internet connection.

1. Use Google public DNS server

Google DNS seems to be faster than the default TM Streamyx DNS, you can try to change the DNS server on your device. Read:

  1. How to change Streamyx modem DNS server
  2. How to set up Google Public DNS in Windows 10
  3. How to change the DNS server on iPhone or iPad
  4. How to change the DNS server on ADSL-RIGER-DB120WL router
  5. How to change the DNS server on Android

2. Use alternative DNS server

If you are currently using Google DNS, you can try to find other public DNS which faster than Google DNS. There is a simple app you can use to find available DNS around you. Read:

  1. How to improve internet speed with Namebench

Once you identified the fastest DNS server. Read:

  1. How to change Streamyx modem DNS server
  2. How to set up Google Public DNS in Windows 10
  3. How to change the DNS server on iPhone or iPad
  4. How to change the DNS server on ADSL-RIGER-DB120WL router
  5. How to change the DNS server on Android

3. Change Wifi mode to N-type

All modern devices are using N-type wifi mode. This is the fastest mode compared to B-mode and G-mode.

Go to your modem configuration page and change the Wifi mode to use only N-type.

If you have no idea how to do this step, leave a comment below. I will create a step-by-step guide to change the Wifi mode for TM Streamyx D-Link modem.

4. Change Wifi channel to 1, 6 or 11

Wifi channels are overlapped with nearby channels. Channels 1, 6, and 11 are the most frequently used for 2.4GHz Wifi and these three are the only ones that don’t overlap with each other. Read:

  1. How to change Streamyx Wifi channel

5. Signal strength

Learn about the importance of your modem location and how it works. Few aspects you should know, read:

  1. 5 Tips to improve Wifi signal strength

There are just lots of tips and tricks you can do, however, listed above are the easiest and the best method to improve TM Streamyx broadband speed.

If you know any other methods that I haven’t mentioned above, please let me know in the comment below.


13 responses to “Tips to improve Streamyx internet speed”

  1. surentheran Avatar

    hii En Barzrul,
    Saya nak tahu bagaiman tuk:
    (Saya menggunakan modem streamyx)
    1. Change Wifi mode to N-type?
    2. Bagaimana nak tahu device yang akan connect ke Wifi support N-type mode ke tidak?
    (Normally I use laptop,phone & smart tv tuk connect ke wifi)

  2. Maruyama Fitri Avatar
    Maruyama Fitri

    Salam bang speedtest saya ombps kenapa ye.. Line kejap okey kedap slow tak main apa pun cuma main game Je.. Pakai hanya saya seorang

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam.. susah nak cakap ni.. Selalunya masalah macam ni di sebabkan 2 benda:
      1 – modem/router ada issue atau
      2 – line internet ada issue

  3. abdurrasyid tholib Avatar
    abdurrasyid tholib

    Bismillah & Assalam, dear br barzrul, could you please show me the way on how to set up a N type wifi mode. Hope to hear from soon. Appreciate your helps.

  4. Nasri Esa Avatar
    Nasri Esa

    Assalamualaikum tuan barzrul. Ada satu benda yang saya pelik pasal broadband streamyx ni. Bila buat Speedtest, download speed = lebih 300 KB/s. Tapi bila actual download, max speed lebih kurang 100 – 120 KB/s ja. Kenapa jadi mcm mana tu? Mcm mana nak jadikan max download speed 300 KB/s?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam tuan.. Speed test depend kepada ping, download depend kepada server. Selalunya server yg provide download akan limit speed utk jaga bandwith dan download akan jadi slow daripada actual value masa speedtest.

      1. Nasri Esa Avatar
        Nasri Esa

        Ok tuan..Thanks

  5. Schamin Mint Avatar
    Schamin Mint

    Salam en.barzrul..nk tanya knp ye sy dh tukar password dh try filter mac wifi still kena hack…memg kena selalu tukar password ke ad tips n trick lain..pening dh wifi jd berat sgt filter ramai sgt yg dh kena block tp mac number yg sama ad lagi still boleh hack…knp ye? Thanks

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, password tu guna WEP atau WPA/PSK?

      1. Schamin Mint Avatar
        Schamin Mint

        Guna WPA ….cmna tu sy nk buat ye…ad cara boleh bgtau sy x…thanks

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Modem model apa yg awak guna?

  6. sharifah nur atikah wan madhi Avatar
    sharifah nur atikah wan madhi

    salam encik Barzrul. nak tnya yg psl n-type tu mcmmna ye ?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam. Sebelum tukar setting di modem. Pastikan semua device yang akan connect ke Wifi support N-type mode.

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