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How to change Streamyx DNS Server on Innacomm modem


Learn how to change Streamyx DNS Server to improve your internet experience. By changing the default DNS Server which is provided by the local ISP to a better one, it will definitely impact the internet speed.

DNS server or IP address can affect your browsing experience, using a faster DNS server can significantly improve your internet speed. My favorite DNS Servers are Google Public DNS and OpenDNS server.

There are methods that can help you to find faster DNS Server available around you, one of it is by using Namebench. You can go ahead and read how to use Namebench to find the fastest DNS Server.

Note: This tutorial is using default Streamyx modem provided by TM which is Innacomm W3400V6 modem.

See also tips to improve Streamyx internet speed.

How to change Streamyx DNS server on Innacomm modem

  1. Open any internet browser.
  2. Go to
  3. Enter your login detail:
    • Username/ID: tmadmin
    • Password: Adm@**** (**** is the last 4 digit of MAC address)
  4. Click Login.
  5. Select Advanced Setup menu on the left.
  6. Select DNS sub-menu.
  7. Select DNS Server.
  8. Click to check Use the following Static DNS IP address option.
  9. Enter your preferred DNS server in the Primary DNS server and Secondary DNS server.
  10. Click Apply/Save to save the changes.
  11. Reboot your modem for the new configurations to take effect.

Done. Now your TM Streamyx modem is using your new and preferred DNS server or IP address.

You can always change the DNS server whenever you feel the internet has been slowed down. By using this setting, all device connected to the network will be using the same DNS server unless they’ve been set up to use a different server.

Personally, I’m using Google Public DNS server on my modem. How about you?


12 responses to “How to change Streamyx DNS Server on Innacomm modem”

  1. Robert Rao Avatar
    Robert Rao

    Hi Hafiz. My ADSL router (Riger V.4) there is no DNS sub under Advanced Setup menu, and no other sub menu like that and I’ve checked everything there is no setting that i can change my preferred DNS server. Pls help

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, try check under Interface Setup –> LAN

  2. hafiz Avatar

    kalau DSL-2877AL mcm mana

  3. Zi's Avatar

    adsl maritime w3410n dns dia kat mana ?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Cuba ni –> Go to Advanced > WAN Port > Set DNS Manually > Apply Changes then reboot modem.

  4. Zi's Avatar

    bro… adsl maritime w3410n tkde pun dns serve ==’

  5. Azri Shukor Avatar
    Azri Shukor

    barzrul, my iflix not auto login anymore even i do not change the dns.. the connection is good/

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi @azrishukor:disqus from what I know, the DNS has no effect.

  6. Daniel Akmal Avatar
    Daniel Akmal

    for adsl router there is no dns sub under advanced setup, and no other sub kinda like that and i’ve checked everything there is no setting that i can change my preferred dns server

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      What is your router model? Let me check for you.

      1. Daniel Akmal Avatar
        Daniel Akmal

        ADSL-RIGER-DB120WL, but recently i found where to configure the preferred dns server in the interface setup in sub under LAN and I don’t know whether it is applicable only using LAN cable and not wifi

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Go to Advanced > WAN Port > Set DNS Manually > Apply Changes then reboot modem.

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