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Unifi Mobile 99 at the price of RM59 (Updated)


Good news for me! Here’s the update of my request for my Unifi Mobile 99 at the price of RM59. If you haven’t read my previous post, click this link to see how this was started. Long story short, I just received my monthly Unifi Mobile bill today.

Just for a recap, below is the conversation between Unifi customer service and me:

Terima kasih. Hasil semakan anda ada 2 nombor atas akaun ini. Anda tidak layak mendapat harga RM59 pada nombor 012XXXXXXA kerana anda sudah ada pelan RM59 atas nombor 019XXXXXXB. Jika kontrak pada nombor 019XXXXXXB belum tamat, anda layak menerima pelan harga RM59 pada nombor 012XXXXXXA. Untuk maklumat anda, pelan unifi Mobile 99 pada harga RM59/bulan untuk satu nombor sahaja untuk akaun unifi Mobile.

Unifi customer service

dekat mana ada tulis hanya satu nombor saja?

One (1) account holder can register up to a maximum of five (5) mobile lines and each lines will enjoy RM59 per month.

atau saya salah baca?


Kami memohon maaf atas segala kesulitan yang berlaku. Berkenaan isu anda akan kami ajukan kepada pihak kami untuk semakan lanjut. Kami akan buat pemintaan untuk nombor 012XXXXXXA ini ke pelan unifi Mobile 99 adalah RM59/bulan.

Okay baik. kami akan ajukan permintaan ini kepada pihak kami. Untuk maklumat anda selepas anda tukar pelan ke unifi Mobile 99 RM59/bulan tanpa kontrak akan ada prorate charges pada bil pertama selepas akaun ditukar.

Ini adalah nombor laporan order anda berkenaan penukaran pelan ini #10000XXX02.

Unifi customer service

See also Webe (now Unifi Mobile) review – Better than before.

Unifi Mobile 99 at the price of RM59 (Updated)

Luckily I’ve read their FAQs regarding the eligibility. As you can read in the above conversation, according to the customer service, I was not eligible for this promotion because there are 2 numbers already registered under my name. However, after I quoted the FAQs #12 that one account holder can register up to five numbers, only they proceed with my request.

From the above image, this is how it looks like with an additional RM20 discount for Unifi Home Broadband subscribers. Now, from RM99 it has become RM59 per month. The following images confirmed my new postpaid plan, it shows how my current bill is different from last month’s charge.

As been told by the customer service on their Facebook page, it will be pro-rated charges in the first month. Based on the above image, the new service has been activated on November 13, 2021. So, the pro-rate charge started from 13th November onwards.


In conclusion, I have successfully converted my Unifi Mobile 99 from paying RM79 per month to RM59 per month according to the latest Unifi Mobile promotion (as of writing this post).

To Unifi, please train your employee or customer service properly. Looks very bad, they should know better than anyone else but end up customers need to read the FAQs and find out by themselves.

Anyway, do you manage to get into this promotion? Share your thought below.


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