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How to fix Disqus comments not syncing with WordPress


I’m (no longer) using Disqus plugin as my comment system here at At first, it was working great until recently I noticed that all comments were not imported to my WordPress database automatically. So, I went to Disqus website to find out how to fix comments not syncing problems.

I believe there are lots of WordPress users having a similar issue with Disqus, so I’m thinking of sharing the solution here instead. So, if you’re using Disqus comment system and all the comments are not syncing with the WordPress database, the before solution might work for you.

The most common issue is due to the WordPress Cron job is not working properly, for this issue, you can fix it with Solution 1 below. If this is not the issue on your WordPress, you may need to try all the solutions listed below.

See also how to create a child theme in WordPress.

How to fix Disqus comments not syncing with WordPress

The following is the list of solutions you can try if you have this issue.

1. Add alternate Cron.

You may need to add this code to the wp-config.php in WordPress that causes it to jumpstart its Cron service again using the following:

// Alternate cron method define( 'ALTERNATE_WP_CRON', true );

2. Use WP-Crontrol plugin.

If the dsq_sync_forum cron still isn’t running as a once-off, we’d recommend installing WP-Crontrol which allows you to not only see your current cron’s but modify them. You can then force dsq_sync_forum to occur every 10 minutes.

3. Use the latest Disqus version.

Make sure you’re using the most recent Disqus for WordPress plugin.

4. Re-install Disqus plugin.

Disqus settings may have gotten corrupted and need to be reset. To do this:

  1. Under Advanced Options in the Disqus plugin, click Uninstall to reset Disqus’ settings — your comments won’t be affected or removed.
  2. Follow the instructions to fully reset Disqus’s current settings.
  3. Re-configure the Disqus plugin.

5. Avoid conflict with theme.

This may be a conflict with your current theme or a plugin. To determine this:

  1. Temporarily revert to the default WordPress theme.
  2. Under Advanced Options in the Disqus plugin, click Sync Comments. If the issue persists, proceed to step 3.
  3. Temporarily disable all plugins (except Disqus).
  4. Click Sync Comments.

6. Bypass automatic sync.

A setting on your installation may be causing automatic sync to not complete properly. To bypass this:

  1. Temporarily revert to the default WordPress theme.
  2. Temporarily disable all plugins (except Disqus).
  3. Sync manually by running /scripts/import-comments.php found in the Disqus plugin folder.

7. Restart syncing.

The Disqus data in your WordPress database may have become corrupted. To fix this:

  1. Under Advanced Options in the Disqus plugin, enable the Remove all imported Disqus comments before syncing checkbox.
  2. Click Sync Comments.

The above solutions usually will fix the problem of Disqus comments not syncing with WordPress. All the solutions are provided by Disqus on their help page here.


9 responses to “How to fix Disqus comments not syncing with WordPress”

  1. The Night Rider Avatar
    The Night Rider

    Tried everything here, can still only manually sync. Automatic simply stopped working one day last week.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Try celaning up your htaccess file. Makesure make a backup.

  2. sherwin Avatar

    i’ve ran through that page over and over and still have an issue. i ran the import script through the CLI and changed the last_comment_id = 0. the result in CLI says 897 imported from Disqus. i go to comments in WP and it only has 51. not sure where it imported it to. i checked the database and can’t find the missing 840+ records. any other ideas? i’ve already created a post in their forum. not sure what kind of help i’ll get. 🙁

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, let me understand your issue. Disqus is syncing with your WP, the only thing you can’t find the imported comments? Anyway, do they already responded to your Q in their forum?

      1. sherwin Avatar

        it’s syncing but only sync 51 of 897 records. i’m working on using the xml export file and importing it into mysql, then clean up the records to migrate into wp_comments table. getting close. just need to further understand the parent_comment_id stuff and a few other supplemental columns. no response in the forum yet 🙁

      2. sherwin Avatar

        i ended up using i had to make some database changes that lead to other thing but i think i have solved my issues.

  3. bongs100 Avatar

    Thank you. Solution 4 worked for me.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      You are welcome.

  4. Vesta Avatar

    Great post.

    If you’re on a shared host that cron job service is crap, you can be found a list of free online cron jobs services at:

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