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How to fix Astro “Service Currently Not Available” error message


A basic troubleshooting guide for Astro satellite signal issue, this is how you can fix Astro “Service Currently Not Available” (SCNA), the most popular on-screen error message.

According to Astro, the “Service Currently Not Available” and “Pixeling” can be due to a few reasons. Among the possible causes, the most popular reason is weather condition which leads to no or weak satellite signal, usually when in rainy weather.

There are also maybe (very unlikely) due to the misaligned satellite dish, wrong cable connection, or faulty Set-Top Box (STB).

But what if there is no weather issue, you have confirmed you are using the correct cable connection and the Set-Top Box is in good condition, you still have the “Service Currently Not Available”?

See also how to fix Astro โ€œWe apologize for the service interruptionโ€ error message.

How to fix Astro “Service Currently Not Available” error message

Follow exactly below step-by-step instructions to fix the error.

  1. Take Astro remote control.
  2. Press Home button.
  3. Select Settings menu and press Ok button.
  4. Select Installation Settings and press Ok button.
  5. Enter your 4-digit PIN in the Pin Entry (Default PIN is 0000).
  6. Select Satellite Settings and press Ok button.
  7. Make sure the Input Source is set to LNB and the LNB Type is set as Universal.
  8. Press Ok button to continue.
  9. Make sure the Entry Point is set to 1 MEASAT 3(VL)ย and press Okย button to continue.
  10. Wait for the signal to be locked and press Ok button to continue.

Done. Please check whether the issue is resolved.

In most cases, these steps will fix the error. However, if the issue still persists, you can call their customer service for further assistance or contact Astro on Twitter.

Astro customer service numbers are as follows:

  • +60 3-9543 3838
  • +60 3-7494 5000

They will most likely ask you to do some basic satellite signal checking and will arrange for technical support by a 3rd party.

I have a very bad experience with Astro technical support which led me to terminate my Astro account. Didn’t know that I will be charged even the fault was done by their side.


26 responses to “How to fix Astro “Service Currently Not Available” error message”

  1. Moon cam Avatar

    I have problem to view astro n go through all th check ing . Is must tinder n lighting and wild stron winds n storm. Becos is MCO no technician avaliable . How can this happen ? No support at all. No customer service . Goodness me .

  2. Lily Sabrina Binti Mohamed Avatar
    Lily Sabrina Binti Mohamed

    I ve followed the troubleshooting steps. Still nothing

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Cik/Puan perlu refer ke Astro untuk masalah yg x dapat setel dgn self-trouble shooting guide di atas. Boleh call phone number di atas.

    2. Moon cam Avatar

      I have problem to view astro n go through all th check ing . Is must tinder n lighting and wild stron winds n storm. Becos is MCO no technician avaliable . How can this happen ? No support at all. No customer service . Goodness me .

      1. Barzrul Avatar

        Is it, no technical support from Astro during MCO period?

        1. Afi Avatar

          Bro Barzrul…it just happened to me…i called customer service, a machine responded dat nobody is at work during mco… can i settle my problem ya?๐Ÿ˜“

        2. Barzrul Avatar

          One way is to contact directly with the technician.. Go to Facebook and search for “pindah astro” or “repair astro”. Sometimes they do outside job.

        3. eyta@9th Avatar

          Im also facing the same problem. Astro whatsapp replied “However, our appointed installers and technicians are unable to carry out any appointment during the Movement Control Order (MCO). Please contact us after the MCO is lifted to reschedule an appointment and the rebate will be given once your issue resolved .In the meantime, please continue to keep up with the latest update of your favourite shows on Astro GO.”

        4. eyta@9th Avatar

          Sebelum ni pun jd mcm ni gk,leps ckp xnk byr bil sbb kne tgu hbs MCO trus elok pstu ni jd blk.

        5. Barzrul Avatar

          Kalau masalah pada satellite dish, dia sekejap ok sekejap x ok.. Kena panggil org dtg adjust baru ok.

  3. PinkyDoo Avatar

    Hello i already try those steps…but its still showing service is unavailable and its been two days now….may i know why?

  4. Hj rashid Avatar
    Hj rashid

    Hey…i reboot my stb and after that it says the channel is not available….plus the weather here is raining

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hello, how is your issue, is it solve yet?

  5. ericwidaz Avatar

    For my case, it works for some channels, but some channels keeps showing “service is unavailable due to rain etc etc” but there’s no rain. This happens to HD channels and I have subscribed to them.

    Will this fix apply to the same scenario?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi @ericwidaz:disqus this will not solve the issue. I have experience this ones, initially I subscribe for Basic package, then decided to upgrade the package to HD. But I encounter the same error as yours only on HD channel and only at night time. Followed all of the above steps without success and called Astro, according to them, they need to send their technical support to adjust the satellite dish.

      1. Suzienie Drew Avatar
        Suzienie Drew

        Hi, mine still not working..its only working for a few minute and it started again. I mean about a few minute, the message will pop out saying that service currently not available although whether is ok.

  6. Shahira Shazreen Avatar
    Shahira Shazreen

    thank you so much! it works ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      You are welcome.

  7. Ahmad Saitama Avatar
    Ahmad Saitama

    Same here. Mine also doesn’t have the “1 MEASAT 3(VL)” option. Do you have any idea why? Seriously we need your help.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Please try to switch off power supply and ensure satellite cable is securely connected, then switch on power supply.

  8. Nurani Avatar

    Hey it works! Thanks there ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Good to know. You are welcome.

  9. Jayla Avatar

    Hai…am r injoi user..and still using decoder old model… how to fix problem service currently not available.. meanwhile there’s no weather issue…it’s suddenly happen…

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, if I’m not mistaken, there is a specific trouble shooting guide for njoi package. BTW, is the issue still there? Sorry for late response.

  10. Yuyu Avatar

    Hello. I have follow some of your steps up there until point 6. For point 7, I don’t have “1 MEASAT 3(VL)” in list of The Entry Point.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hello, sorry for the late response. How’s your trouble shooting progress?

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