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How to find the first message in Telegram chat


Learn how you can quickly find the first message in any Telegram chat. Instead of the never-ending scroll to find the first message, you can use this trick to quickly go to the first message in any Telegram chat in no time.

If you join any Telegram chat and the other members are in the middle of the discussion, traditionally you will scroll up the discussion to find the first message of the topic.

But how you can do it if it involves hundreds of members and thousands of messages? Here is the easy, simple, and super-quick way you can use to find the first message of any Telegram chat or channel.

Note: Please update your Telegram app to the latest version, then continue reading.

See also how to stop Telegram from saving images to phone gallery.

How to find the first message in Telegram chat

Let say one day you join an active Telegram channel and there are hundreds and thousands of messages.

As a new member, you don’t want to interrupt the ongoing discussion and you decided to scroll up to find the first message and read from there.

While you are in the channel, follow exactly the steps below:

  1. Select the three vertical dots menu at the top right of the window.
  2. Select Search.
    • It will open a new search window.
    • Usually, people will search for a keyword Telegram and it will point you to the result in the chat.
    • But if the messages are too many, it is not practical to click the up or down arrow to go to the first result.
  3. What you will do differently here is, when you select Search, in the search window, there is a Calendar icon on the bottom right of your screen.
  4. Select the Calendar icon, it will show you the monthly view calendar of the event in that particular chat.
  5. Scroll to the top, click on the first date you can find and it will bring you to the first message of the chat.
  6. Voila! You found the first message of the chat within seconds.

If you have any method faster than this trick, share it with me in the comment below. Also, let me know if this trick works for you.


10 responses to “How to find the first message in Telegram chat”

  1. Proton X90 Avatar

    Wow, this is a fantastic trick! I had no idea about the Calendar icon in Telegram’s search window. It’s a real time-saver, especially in those busy group chats with tons of messages. Thanks for sharing this tip!

  2. Mikre Avatar

    Thank you so much!

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      You’re welcome.

  3. shashi Avatar

    Although your solution works on Mobile , Its not working on Web version of Telegram, as the calendar option is not visible

  4. TyogoManex Avatar

    Thank you. This was helpful

  5. Helen Lewis Avatar
    Helen Lewis

    Thanks, helpful article. So when you first open your group chat, where does telegram start you from the top or the bottom of the cascade? Have there been any updates on this on the last year as i was trying to check their upgrades list but couldnt find the info? Also, say if i have auto download settings on and images are downloaded, when is the back end timestamp created is it when the images have auto dowbloaded?

    Finally please do you know at what point in a chat the images are auto downloaded? Is it during the scroll or when you first open the chat for example? Thanks

  6. Samah Massoud Avatar
    Samah Massoud

    Thank you it worked

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      You’re welcome and thank you for the feedback.

  7. Azka Atallah Avatar
    Azka Atallah

    I cant find calendar icon.
    Can you show me a picture.
    Thanks a lot

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