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How to terminate P1 WiMAX account


Update: On March 2018, P1 discontinued all of its services. For those who are using phone line from P1 and insist to maintain the same phone number, you can use TM line instead. Please check in the comment section for the personal contact number to proceed. Thank you Anas Zaryn for the info.

Learn the proper way to terminate your P1 WiMAX account. Here is my experience with P1 team when I terminated my P1 account a year ago. Honestly, it was very easy if you follow the right step by step.

P1 service is great, the only reason I discontinued using their service is that there was no P1 coverage in my new residential area.

Unfortunately, I still have a few months contract left. I totally forgot that I upgraded my P1 package once they offered me higher quota and a cheaper price. I didn’t realize, the contract was automatically renewed.

Please be reminded, be careful when your P1 contract almost end.

Disclaimer: I am not in any way have any relation with P1 or work for them. Please do not ask me to terminate your account. Please follow the above steps properly so you will not have any issues in the future.

Before proceeding with the account cancellation, make sure you check the following:

  • when are your contract period start and the expiry date – the penalty will be charged to those who end their contract earlier
  • modem, plug, and LAN cable – you will have to pay a certain amount and will be given some time to find the lost item and return back to them

See also how to terminate Unifi account.

How to terminate P1 WiMAX account

  1. Get P1 HQ phone number from P1 website or P1 Authorized Service Partners near your area.
  2. Call P1 HQ to let them know about the cancellation.
    1. They will create a service cancellation request and provide you the reference number (keep the number)
    2. You will receive an email from them regarding the cancellation request
  3. Once the cancellation has been registered, usually, not more than 2 days, go to any P1 Authorized Service Partners.
  4. Provide them the service cancellation request number from Step 2.
    • Don’t forget to bring together your P1 modem, plug and LAN cable, you will need to return them to P1
    • If you don’t have either one or all of the item, they will ask you to pay for a certain price
  5. Fill-up the Termination Form or they will print a completed form for you.
  6. Say thank you to the P1 staff for all the hard work and get out from their premise.
  7. You will receive a confirmation of service termination email from P1.

Note: Keep the form you receive in Step 5 for at least 2 months in case your bill still running

Done! That’s all you have to do to properly cancel or terminate your P1 service. If you have any questions, you can leave them below.


50 responses to “How to terminate P1 WiMAX account”

  1. Anas Zaryn Avatar
    Anas Zaryn

    Hi Semua , P1 akan terminate semua line mereka and starting this March siapa yang masih mengunakan khidmat p1 akan ditamatkan perkhidmatannya. Untuk sesiapa yang menguna kan phone line p1 dan ingin mengekal nombor mereka boleh mengunakan service line TM. Boleh contact saya untuk urusakan .


    Terima Kasih

  2. urCRUSH Avatar

    Modem kna pulangkan ke? Sya nak terminate bila hbis kontrak nnti taun depan. Problemnya kat cni HQ center da ttup. Any suggestion?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Awak boleh refer komen dari KHAZANAH YASIN di bawah.

      1. urCRUSH Avatar

        noo sya kat sabah. sluruh sabah ni smua center dah ttup xkan nak terbang gi kl

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Saya check website P1. Awak boleh buat urusan berkenaan dengan P1 di TMpoint.

        2. urCRUSH Avatar

          oo bole d sna bru tau ni. okla tq

        3. binalite gadang Avatar
          binalite gadang

          tp sy ade g TMpoint di Pandan Indah, dyeorg inform xboleh terminate p1

  3. Salsabila Avatar

    Are the number of p1 hq 2 years ago are the same for now I mean 2017

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Should be the same. Have you try?


    Assalamualaikum slm sjhterah. Weee sy dah terminate p1 td.. Yg penting kalau korg nak terminate.. Better pegi kat centre.. Lokasi Kat sunway pyramid. LG..
    Lagi satu, ujung taun lepas x silap sy, p1 dah beralih nama menjadi webe.. So, nnt kalau pegi kat tmpat tu nnt nak terminate, nmpak logo webe.. Kat situ lah tmpatnye. Tapi.. Hakikatnye, TM dah ambil alih, sbb tu p1 dah lupus dan bertukar nama jd webe.

    Sy pegi kat kaunter tnye abg tu nak terminate.. Dia minta no. Ic / no akaun p1. Tp bg no ic je pun boleh . Then abg tu bg surat salinan mngesahkan device dah dipulangkan (sy pulang modem je) .. Sy tnye bape anggaran kos kne byr( sebab cable usb x pulang dan denda x hbis kontrak) , then abang tu semak ” x de byrn dikenekn” katanya.(tp yng pnting, korg kne lunaskan bil2 yang tertunggak:).. Sy pun pelik “biar betul bang? X de bil2 tersembunyi ke bang? ” … “ye betul x de”.. Sy x puas ati lg.. Sblm sy balik sy pegi kaunter satu lg.. tnye.. “bang sy x habis kontrak lg, mmg x de dende ke bang? ” abg tu kata “oh kontrak tu dah dimansuhkan sbb p1 dah diambil alih Oleh TM. ..

    Ok lh itu je nak gtau.. Mne tau bermnfaat..
    Lokasi alamat

    Kalau x yakin boleh cek kat portal rasmi p1..
    Sekian. Maseh.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Waalaikumussalam.. terima kasih untuk info yang sangat bermanfaat ni.

      1. KHAZANAH YASIN Avatar

        sma2… 🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆

    2. pibi janie Avatar
      pibi janie

      salam nak tanya.. kalau modem rosak macamana erk? diorang cas apa2 tak?

      1. Barzrul Avatar

        Wassalam.. rasanya tak.. tak payah bgtau kata modem rosak.. just pulangkan ja.

        1. pibi janie Avatar
          pibi janie

          TERIMA KASIHHH 🙂

      2. KHAZANAH YASIN Avatar

        Wasalam pibi.. Kemungkinan besar x kot.. Sbb tmpoh hr sy pegi je .. Dia ambil mcm tu je.. Dia x cek.. Rsenye, lgpun mungkin dorg dah x kn guna modem P1 tu kot.. Huhuhu sbb P1 dah kne amek alih olh TM. Lg satu, Kpd sesape yg ade prob bill tersembunyi smpai masuk CTOS tu.. Rsenye tahun 2016 rules tu dah kne mansuh. Tp utk kslmtn semua pihak.. Cuba tnye jugak smula kat centre webe.

        1. pibi janie Avatar
          pibi janie

          so sekarang ni kalau nak terminate just pegi center terus la kan without buat panggilan first? THANK YOU UNTUK INFO YG SANGAT BERMANFAAT INI 🙂

    3. Muhammad Izzat Avatar
      Muhammad Izzat

      Kalau kat kedah ni,, boleh pulangkan modem kat tmpoint sini ke?

      1. Barzrul Avatar

        Ya, since TM dah ambik alih P1. Semua urusan berkenaan P1 boleh di buat di TM point.

        1. Muhammad Izzat Avatar
          Muhammad Izzat

          Okay boss ! Terima kasih👍

        2. binalite gadang Avatar
          binalite gadang

          tp kenapa sy g TM Point Pandan Indah, dyeorg bgtau xboleh terminate kt sne…..
          nk kena g Sunway Pyramid jgk ke???

  5. As Tania Avatar
    As Tania

    Salam….saya nak terminate melalui website mcm mne ye?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, maaf lambat respon.. cik kena buat proses terminate di P1 centre.

  6. Abbas Avatar

    Hi saya cadang nak terminate p1 saya dan says dah habis contract tapi untuk cancellation memang kena bagi semua complete ke? Macam mana kalau saya hilang LAN cable dengan Wi-Fi adapter? Berapa saya kena bayar?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, kalau tak salah saya, modem adalah di sewa. Awak boleh periksa semula surat jual beli. Dan kalau ada kehilangan, perlu di ganti. Kalau ikut macam kes saya, awak mgkin kena bayar rm60.

  7. Izrin Syafiq (Gentleman) Avatar
    Izrin Syafiq (Gentleman)

    Kalau biasanya contract berapa tahun?…dan kalau kotak dan user manual takde kena denda jugak ke?..

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Kontrak 2 tahun. Kotak dan user manual tak perlu pulangkan.

      1. Izrin Syafiq (Gentleman) Avatar
        Izrin Syafiq (Gentleman)


  8. amirul Avatar
    amirul Bro,salam,sya ada ambik p1 trial 7 hari,n then sya terlmbat 6 hari untuk hntr modem n terminate,so sya kne byr hrga bulanan tu ke or kne byr ikot brpe hari sya pakai if sya nak hntr balik hari ni?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam. Saya tak pasti, awak cuba call service center dan tanya atau terus bawa set P1 ke P1 stop.

      1. KHAZANAH YASIN Avatar

        salam nak tanye, tapi kalau dah start guna dalam sebulan 2, then nak tamatkan kontrak, agak2 waktu skg ni p1 knekan denda bape eh?

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Wassalam.. Untuk berapa banyak bayaran denda, saya tak pasti. Mungkin penalti akan tinggi sebab awak baru guna 2 bulan dan kontrak adalah 2 tahun.

  9. Ja'a Ismail Avatar
    Ja’a Ismail

    jika habis kontrak.. perlu juga serahkan modem dan item2x lain?

  10. mawar Avatar

    hai.. kat atas ada beritahu yg terminate sebab tak ada coverage kat kawasan perumahan baru… jika kes ini kena bayar jugak ke jika terminate?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hai mawar,
      Ya, selagi kita dalam kontrak, kena bayar penalti.. Alasan dari pihak P1 adalah mereka guaranty coverage untuk kawasan masa kita register, kalau kita pindah dan kawasan baru tak ada coverage, itu adalah salah kita..

      1. mawar Avatar

        ini yang saya tanya berulang kali sebelum daftar.. kononnya jika berpindah ke kawasan yg tiada coverage tidak perlu bayar panalty. P1 coverage di rumah saya sgt mengecewakan. sedih!

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Saya dulu bg kawan pinjam dan bila travel sy guna di kawasan yg ada coverage. Habis kontrak terus sy terminate..

  11. kuchiki anaqa Avatar
    kuchiki anaqa

    Nak tanye.. Kalau masih dalam trial 7 days tu kan.. Kalau nak buat cancellation still kene call dulu ke?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, minta maaf saya tak pasti untuk kes ini.

  12. cristian adinanda Avatar
    cristian adinanda

    HI, is there any termination fee need to paid if want to terminate P1 service within contract period?
    If yes, how much is it?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      @cristianadinanda:disqus Yes, there is but I am not sure how it is calculated. You can call their HQ to to get the confirmation. Thanks.

  13. sharanjit singh Avatar
    sharanjit singh

    Wats the number? Cant find it on the page. Pls help. Thanks

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, you will be able to contact them with this number +60 3-7450 8888

  14. Khairul Aiman Avatar
    Khairul Aiman

    Hi, in the FAQ of P1 website they say customers have to give a written termination notice to them 30-days before termination date. Should I follow that or just call them on the day I want to terminate the service? Thanks.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      @khairul_aiman:disqus You can call them on the day you want to terminate, they will create case# before you can terminate at any P1 stop.

  15. Mayday Avatar

    So should I call the P1 HQ after the contract ended or a few days before the contract ended to avoid the penalty?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      You can call them on the day you going to terminate.

  16. Fifie Avatar

    Hi, how if i lost my lan cable and it really cant be found. do they still need us to return a cable to them or we just have to pay for it ?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      @fifiesafinah:disqus you just have to pay for it? But it will be slightly expensive.

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