![How to uninstall Kodi add-on 1 Uninstall Kodi add-on](https://files.barzrul.com/media/Uninstall-Kodi-add-on.jpg)
It is unnecessary to keep too many add-ons in your Kodi app, it can cause your Kodi app to slow down. Here’s a simple instruction to uninstall any add-on on your Kodi app.
Due to the many Kodi add-on come and go, so I think it is essential to keep our Kodi app clean and fast with only the best and legal add-ons. All the expired and abandoned add-ons must be uninstalled as fast as you can.
So, let’s get rid of some of the unused and abandoned add-ons from your Kodi app. (It’s been so long I didn’t up a post regarding Kodi add-on until recently. Miss the good old days.)
See also how to install Google Drive Kodi add-on.
How to uninstall Kodi add-on
Here’s the step-by-step instruction to uninstall any Kodi add-on.
- Launch Kodi app.
- Select Add-ons.
- Select My add-ons.
- Select All.
- Find and select the add-on you want to uninstall.
- Select Uninstall.
- In the pop-up message, select Yes if you want to remove all related data to the add-on. Otherwise, select No.
- Wait for the Add-on uninstalled notification.
- Done.
Most of the (illegal) Kodi add-ons developers are easy to disappear causing the add-on to be abandoned. So, to be safe, just keep the active and legal Kodi add-on and you’ll be alright.
Do you have any favorite Kodi add-ons that have been abandoned by the developer? How long do you still keep them in your Kodi app? I’m sure as long as the add-on still working, you’ll keep it, right?
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