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How to terminate Astro account


Learn the proper way to terminate your Astro account or subscription. The cancellation or termination process is easy, here I guide you on how to cancel or terminate your Astro account.

Honestly, I’m done with Astro. I terminated my Astro account while I still have another year of a contract with them. I paid RM100+ as a penalty charge and I never regret it. That was the best decision.

For those who are still under the 2-years contract like me and need to pay the penalty. I recommend you to terminate your account at Astro Customer Service Centre. The reason is that they will calculate the penalty and you can pay on the spot.

See also how to terminate Unifi Fibre account.

How to terminate Astro account?

Basically, Astro provides 2 options; you can request for Astro account termination through a phone call or up-front through customer service at Astro Customer Service Centre.

The following are the two methods to terminate your Astro account:

Method 1: Terminate Astro account through a phone call

The following method is easy but not effective.

  1. Call Astro service center at +603 9543 3838.
  2. Select your preferred language.
  3. Make your selection:
    • Press 1 – Reconnection Request
    • Press 2 – Bill & Payment
    • Press 3 – Package, Product and Service
    • Press 4 – Technical Assistance and Installation
    • Press 5 – GST Related Enquiries
  4. You can select options 3 or 4.
  5. Talk to customer service assistance:
    • Tell the customer service that you are going to terminate your Astro account
    • There will be a standard procedure and questions, answer them sarcastically
    • They will let you know that you’ll need to give the 30 days of notice periods for the termination and they will help to calculate the penalty
  6. Leave your contact number and they will call you back after a few days.

You can wait forever them to call you back for the account closure.

Method 2: Terminate Astro account through Customer Service Centre (Astro CSC)

The following was my personal experience. Very fast and effective because all transactions can be done and will settle within an hour.

  1. Go to the nearest Astro CSC branch (do not bring any of Astro items).
  2. With a friendly-voice-tone, tell the assistance that you intended to terminate your Astro account.
  3. Take your number, sit, and wait for your turn.
  4. At the service counter, tell the customer service the same thing with the same voice-tone (to terminate your Astro account).
    • They will set the 30 days of notice periods and
    • Calculate the penalty (if any), print the receipt, and give it to you.
  5. Take the receipt and confirm the calculation to ensure you’re not overpaying them. If the amount is lesser than what you already estimated is ok :).
  6. Go to Astro payment kiosk to make the payment.
  7. Take the receipt and show it to the customer service for account closure.
  8. Keep all the receipts you receive from them for future reference.
  9. Smile, say thank you, get up and get out.

You can be sure that your account is closed or terminated for good.

Note: At the last day of the notice period, Astro technician will come to your house to collect all Astro items including the satellite dish. If not, then you can keep all of them in your garbage bin.

Update: Astro welcomes back all their ex-subscribers and offers Astro NJOI prepaid free for life.


91 responses to “How to terminate Astro account”

  1. Proton Anggun Rawang Avatar

    Hey, if you’re looking to cancel your Astro account, it’s pretty straightforward. You can either call them or visit a Customer Service Centre. Calling might be a bit slow, so I recommend going to a CSC. Just let them know you want to terminate your account, they’ll handle the rest and you can settle everything on the spot. Don’t forget, if you’re still under contract, there might be a penalty fee. After 30 days, they’ll come by to collect their equipment. Simple as that!

  2. Saga 2023 Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your experience with terminating an Astro account. It’s always helpful to hear firsthand accounts of the process. Your step-by-step guide provides valuable insights for anyone looking to end their subscription. While the convenience of visiting the Customer Service Centre seems appealing, it’s good to know that there are options available. Just a reminder to fellow readers to double-check with Astro’s current policies and procedures, as things might have evolved since your last update. Your openness about the penalty charge and your satisfaction with your decision is a refreshing take. Kudos for providing this practical guide!

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, thank you for your kind comment and the heads-up on the possibility of the new policies.

  3. Ina Avatar

    Thank you for this article… I love your moxy. “Answer them sarcastically” They had it coming la. When la our CS in Malaysia gonna be better kan?!

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi Ina, thank you for the comment. As long as monopolies exist, they won’t improve. They know people will eventually come back to them.

  4. fish Avatar

    If I already call customer service, they said I still have one and half year contract and ask me paid penalty 1000 ringgit Malaysia, what can I do ? 😭

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      You subscribe to which package?

      1. fish Avatar

        starter package, RM 65 per month

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          It’s not possible. Better to go to their CSC and confirm.

  5. Yee Caiyeng Avatar
    Yee Caiyeng

    Hi Bazrul.
    I just started my Astro account in Month July.
    Now I WhatsApp them for a termination but they told me I have to pay a penalty charges costing RM 1000!
    Any suggestions from you to solve this?
    I really don’t want the account anymore 😂
    Very suck seevices

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hello, which package plan do you subscribe to?
      If you downgrade the plan and terminate, is it the penalty charges will be the same?

  6. Abdullah Avatar

    Penalty biasanya nerapa RM? Macamana nak calculate tu? TQ

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Cara kira penalti yang diberitahu Astro ialah: Balance kontrak X bill bulanan.
      Tapi dalam kes saya, saya bayar kurang daripada jumlah itu. saya pun tak paham sangat macamana depa kira.

  7. Babatbabat Avatar

    Slps tamat kontrak 2 tahun hari tu, sy dtg ke astro servis Centre kota kinabalu.. Request stop langganan sebelum next bill cycle spya x dikenakan notis 1 bulan bill.. Yg bodohnya staff astro perempuan puaka
    Ni buat order termination utk bulan yg seterusnya spya sy dikenakan 1 bulan bill lg.. Sy tergerak hati utk call servis Centre utk tnya status akaun dan dpt tahu Akaun masi aktif…nasib baik staff HQ astro bole tolong cancel langganan pada masa tu juga..skrng guna android box lagi berbaloi drpd byr astro mahal2 dgn rancangan yg ntah apa2 dan membosankan.. Rancangan TV diulang2, iklan makin byk..puihh

  8. Duan Deris Avatar

    Thanks untuk perkongsian cara nak terminate astro ni. Now time to berjimat

      1. Azizah Avatar

        salaam bro.. sy duduk Klang, dkt mana ye astro service centre terdekat? sy nak terminate akaun dan nak terus berurusan di kaunter. sy dah terminate akaun pd tahun 2014, tp tiba2 bulan ni sy terima bil..?!

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Macamana bleh jadi macam tu..
          Utk maklumat terkini lokasi Astro CSC, cik/puan boleh chat dengan support team Astro di Facebook.

  9. Josephsasa Chan Avatar
    Josephsasa Chan

    Hahahahahahaha thanks bro

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      You’re welcome bro.

  10. Muhammad Shazni Avatar
    Muhammad Shazni

    Sejak ada ps4 saya try netflix sbb mmg dah ada dalam ps4 tu. Bila difikirkan lagi berbaloi dari astro. Dah la bayar bulan² tp ada iklan bagai. VOD pun xsemua free. Ada yg kena bayar gak. Series pun lambat. Season 4 dah habis, season 3 baru start. Baik upgrade internet dari bayar bil astro.

  11. The Wall Avatar
    The Wall

    Astro bunch of damn thieves, will never use their shitty service every again!! So happy that the competition is hurting them! Karma at last! Screw you Astro monkeys!

  12. soraya rizkina Avatar
    soraya rizkina

    Salam bro.. saye nak terminate astro, sebab saya nak balik negara asal. contract finish oktober 2018 ni. Saya pakai basic je, nak tanya mengape bro boleh tak bayar penalty rm500 tu.. sebab saya nak terminate ingat bayarr penalty tak ad wang. Thanks

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam.. cuba call Astro dan tanya berapa kena bayar kalau terminate sekarang.. saya pun tak berapa faham macamana calculation dia,

  13. Marlvin Anak Robin Avatar
    Marlvin Anak Robin

    Hi bro, Kalau nak bayar termination fee tu boleh bayar ansur2 tak?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hello bro, x pasti la.. Masa saya terminate dulu, kena bayar denda on the spot, baru dia proceed dengan termination.. Bro boleh call pihak Astro untuk confirm.

  14. anuar Avatar

    hi bro. apa ya alternative astro. tq for your respond

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      hi bro. saya prefer Kodi.

      1. anuar Avatar

        ada channel apa ya. sori xpernah tau hehe

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          ada macam2.. bleh try search pasal Kodi. dalam blog ni pun banyak saya provide tutorial pasal Kodi.

  15. disqus_CHnCwV0X6a Avatar

    Tanya di FB astro tadi regarding my contract. Contract will end 2019 so when ask about termination they said the penalty will be rm1000! OTL

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Lol.. from my experience chatting with them on FB. They know nothing but BS.

      1. disqus_CHnCwV0X6a Avatar

        Really? Ingat maybe contract lama lagi nak habis sebab tu mahal. Kena pegi csc jugak la ni

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Which pkg you subscribed to? better you subscribe to the cheapest pkg and yes, better go to the CSC..

  16. Azie912 Avatar

    Astro sucks la…nak call pun susah nak dapat…then they make it difficult to terminate.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Yup, betul. The best way to terminate Astro is to go to their CSC branch and terminate it right away.

  17. Khai Avatar

    Assalamu’alaikum bro, nk tnye yg alternative android box tu ada buat tutorial x? Kalu ada mnta link2 dia ye sbb xjumpa katne nk search website bro.. Satu lg, android box ni ada jenama/spec2 nk rekomen dan nk beli kat mana ye? Maaf saya masih novice bab2 tech ni.. Pls help point in the right direction. Tq

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wa’alaikumussalam.. bro bleh guna search box dekat sidebar. Search “himedia” n “kodi”.

  18. Nurazie Avatar

    Assalam.. saya ade 2bln tunggakan astro, dh hampir setahun tak pakai dah astro tapi masih under kontrak, kalau nk terminate agak2 berapa kena penalti ya..? -terima kasih.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam, kalau package Basic macam saya kena RM100++.. tapi terpulang kepada berapa banyak bulan lagi kontrak kita dengan Astro.

  19. Philli Greene Avatar
    Philli Greene

    Saya mok terminate astro yg berada di rmh saya tapi atas nama org lain. Dapat ka?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Boleh. Kena tunjuk owner original IC masa terminate.

  20. Fara Wana Ismail Avatar
    Fara Wana Ismail

    Bro..mcmn nak tau contract expiry? I dah tak ingat brpa bulan tagi tinggal..huhu

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Alamak, kena call Astro tanya pasal akaun.

      1. Cik Chimey Avatar
        Cik Chimey

        En Bazrul mcmna cara ya sya nk terminate account Astro kerana Sya Di Spore Dan x tau bila boleh balik jb since boarder pun x bukak lg.Boleh ker dgn cara email shj.Tq

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Cik boleh call.. Atau contact Astro Facebook atau Twitter akaun.

  21. KAWALAN 2016 Avatar
    KAWALAN 2016

    salam bro dh pun tamat kontrak 2 thn..dan sy ingin menamatkan servis astro..adakah pihak astro akan ambil blk peralatan seperti kuali satelite,dekoder dan kad..

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam.. minta maaf, saya x pasti untuk yang dah tamat kontrak punya term and condition.

  22. Yusuf Avatar

    Slm bro.. kalau nak terminate astro mesti by owner atau bleh diwakilkan kepada sesiapa?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Wassalam.. kalau nak wakilkan org lain, kena bawa original IC.

  23. fieda Avatar

    let say kite ada balance lagi RM150, penalty tu bayar berapa? dlm masa 30 hari tu ada channel lagi ke?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Utk pengiraan penalty saya tak pasti.
      Ya, dalam 30 hari masih ada channel.

  24. Ahmad Zahidi Ismail Avatar
    Ahmad Zahidi Ismail

    Thank you Azrul for the info.
    I’m paying Astro by autodebit, will they automatically stop the autodebit. ATAU kita kena uruskan sendiri dengan bank kita ?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi Ahmad Zahidi, the best way is to deal directly with the bank.

  25. Steven chan Avatar
    Steven chan

    boleh tanya apa yang bro guna utk ganti Astro?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Sekarang saya guna Android box.

      1. Ahmad Zahidi Ismail Avatar
        Ahmad Zahidi Ismail

        Salam Barzul, Berapa you bayar utk Android Box.. How’s yje performance/resolution. Internet saya 5 Mbps, ok ke ?

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          I bought the box for RM 300. When I buy that time, I was using 4Mbps, Overall is very good.

        2. Farah Syarmiela Avatar
          Farah Syarmiela

          Android box x perlu bayar bulanan ke? n cenel astro ada x dlm android box

  26. نوار احمد Avatar
    نوار احمد

    Salam bro. Nk tny skit. Kalu akaun astro yg kita pakai tu, tapi nama org lain(contoh: ayah,abang,sepupu etc). Boleh ke kalau kita yang pergi terminate dkt astro CSC?

    tqvm bro

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Salam bro.
      Setahu saya kena tuan punya akaun yg pergi terminate.. bro boleh call Astro dulu utk pengesahan.

      1. نوار احمد Avatar
        نوار احمد

        ok bro. thx very much

  27. mat adiey Avatar
    mat adiey

    salam, boleh tanya kalau sy masih bawah kontrak smpai 13/02/2017 , agak2 brapa extra charge kena.. ? outstding bill x ad…

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Salam, kalo tak salah saya, ia bergantung pada package yg kita langgan..

      1. mat adiey Avatar
        mat adiey

        macam sy ambil package Sport skali byond tu… sbulan bill skali GSt RM148.00++

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Mgkin RM300++ kot.. dulu sy package RM43 sebulan, kena bayar RM100++.. bleh cuba call dan tanya Astro..

  28. Ediacla Noliam Elex Avatar
    Ediacla Noliam Elex

    I have 2 months unsettled bill and i want to terminate the service. Can you tell me how much I need to settle? The reason is. I always go out of town. Thanks

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, you need to call Astro service for the detail. Thanks.

  29. xxx Avatar

    saya pula dipaksa subscribe euro rm115.54 pada 16/6/2016.astro kol by phone.saya takde ckp agree dorang minta num ic sebab nak reconfirm no. acc.ckp nak email bill by la.(haritu saya agak bodoh sbb bg IC walaupun untuk reconfirm acc.ptt letak je phone.bangang betol.then on the same day, saya rasa mcm pelik.terus kol line astro.btanya mengenai status acc.staf astro tu cakap saya dah SUBSCRIBE untuk euro.dan bertanya ‘kalau cik tak setuju kenapa bagi no. IC’?bangang!!!!!terus saya cerita.then minta dia batalkan subscription euro.pada 20/6/2016 datang la bill by email.sekali lagi perkataan ‘BANGANG keluar dari mulut. 115.54(euro pack)+42.35(fam pack) dipotong melalui acc. saya mmg letak 200 lebih dalam acc sebab selalu traveling.malas bayar.potong terus.tpi astro dah buat onar.kalau org rumah tengok euro, takpe la..nie semua tgok cite korea.dahla under kontrak 2tahun.dalam acc masih ada rm73.Nasihat saya, JANGAN LANGGAN ASTRO.TAK KIRA LA ADA KAITAN DENGAN YAHUDI ATAU TAK.NI SALAH MANUSIA bukan bangsa agama mahupun negara.bangang!

  30. TanY Yong Avatar
    TanY Yong

    Bro berapa bayar utk penalty dan jg brp total bro byr untuk semua?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Total saya kena bayar RM150 masa terminate.

  31. Salty Bodice Ripper Avatar
    Salty Bodice Ripper

    I had terminated with astro 3 times. The firstI wasn’t very smart and I brought I the decoder and remote and smart card to the center. It was in damansara. And they had the balls to ask me for the dish. Then second time I did it over the phone. I kept in mind my biling cycle and called on the day of my billing cycle so I didn’t have to pay extra pro rates charges. You only pay penalty if you are going to cancel under 2 years minimum contract. Third time I didn’t follow the billing cycle so they charge me for 10 pro rates days and since I had basic package it cost me like 65 ringgit.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Thanks for sharing your experience. 65? You are lucky.

  32. shikin Avatar

    salam en. astro csc di mana? klu terminate by phone je ok? sbb selalu byar kat public bank CDM

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Salam shikin,
      Cik boleh check Astro CSC branch di link ini:
      Kalau kontrak 2 tahun Cik dgn Astro sudah tamat, tak ada masalah utk terminate by phone. Kalau masih dalam kontrak, sebaiknya buat termination di Astro CSC.

      1. shikin Avatar

        thanks.. kene bawa astro punye barang ke klu masih dlm contract?

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Tak perlu, selepas 30 hari notis tamat, Astro akan hantar technician ke premis kita untuk collect semua barang..

  33. Nik Mohd Firdaus Avatar
    Nik Mohd Firdaus

    boleh tak saya nak tahu berapa penalty yg tuan kena baru kol astro kontrak sy sepatutnya habis may 2017 total penalty dekat RM500(sy rasa berbaloi). tkut ada apa2 charge lain lagi selepas ni. Smua setel dekat customer service kat phone je.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Sy bayar penalti sebanyak RM150 dan saya ada kontrak sampai Nov 2016. Saya nasihatkan downgrade ke basic package lepastu baru terminate akaun dan sebaiknya urusan termination di buat di Astro CSC.

      1. iriskalila sirojudean Avatar
        iriskalila sirojudean

        Salam…thanx for this posting. Appreciate it.

        Nak tanya, kenapa you advised to downgrade to basic package lepastu baru terminate?


        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Hi, sorry lambat reply. Saya dapati kalau terminate Basic package, penaltinya lagi murah daripada terminate HD package. (Untuk yang masih dalam kontrak).

      2. Babatbabat Avatar

        Slps tamat kontrak 2 tahun hari tu, sy dtg ke astro servis Centre kota kinabalu.. Request stop langganan sebelum next bill cycle spya x dikenakan notis 1 bulan bill.. Yg bodohnya staff astro perempuan puaka
        Ni buat order termination utk bulan yg seterusnya spya sy dikenakan 1 bulan bill lg.. Sy tergerak hati utk call servis Centre utk tnya status akaun dan dpt tahu Akaun masi aktif…nasib baik staff HQ astro bole tolong cancel langganan pada masa tu juga..skrng guna android box lagi berbaloi drpd byr astro mahal2 dgn rancangan yg ntah apa2 dan membosankan.. Rancangan TV diulang2, iklan makin byk..puihh

  34. Cik Nunu Avatar
    Cik Nunu

    Kalau nak unsubscribe mana2 subscription camna. 4 bulan dah..ada reply tp tiap bulan bill kira jgk. Bodoh pya asterok..tiap awal bulan dpt bill msti aku meroyan…buang masa dan tenaga dan duit.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi Cik Nunu, awak perlu call Astro customer service dan beritahu channel mana yang nak unsubscribe.

  35. **** Avatar

    thx bro
    aku da terminate smalam
    dlm 15min da setel
    tp cs person tu xde tanye pasal astro items tu.
    so meaning on the last day of nitice diorang akan dtg collect?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      No problem bro. Yang dia ambil balik items tu untuk customer yang masih dalam kontrak. Kalau dah abis 2 tahun kontrak, rasanya tak kot.

      1. **** Avatar

        harap2 die xde suro aku plak htr.anyway thx bro, very good post..👍

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Ok, thank you bro.

  36. **** Avatar

    slm bro
    branch tu csc or alc?

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