The hit Netflix show Squid Game has captivated audiences worldwide with its thrilling plot and suspenseful games. Now, in a lighthearted new video, the stars of the show take on a different kind of challenge: traditional games from around the world.
In the new video, “Squid Game 2 Stars Try Games from Around the World,” the stars of the hit Netflix show take on a variety of challenges from different cultures.
The video features the cast members attempting to master games like kabaddi, sepak takraw, and kendama, each with its own unique set of rules and cultural significance. As they navigate these unfamiliar challenges, their reactions range from hilarious frustration to moments of surprising skill and determination.
Squid Game Season 2 stars try games from around the world
Squid Game Season 2 stars in the video are Lee Jung-jae (Seong Gi-hun), Wi Ha-jun (Hwang Jun-ho), Jo Yu-ri (Jun-hee), Kang Ha-neul (Dae-ho), Park Gyu-young (Kang No-eul), Park Sung-hoon (Hyun-ju), Yang Deung-geun (Yong-sik), and Yim Si-wan (Myung-gi).
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