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How to link to a specific text on a website in Google Chrome


Linking to a specific text on any website never been easier. Here’s how you can link to a specific text on a website with a Link to Text Fragment Chrome extension official released by Google.

By using this method, anyone clicking on the link will be re-directed to the text fragment on the website with highlighted text. This means, no more screenshot and copy and paste of the text to share with your friends.

Note: At the time of writing this article, these links only work on Google Chrome and Edge browser which is Chromium-based browsers. If you click these links on any browser other than the aforementioned, you’ll end up opening the website as a whole, without any text highlighted.

See also how to force Dark Mode on all websites in Google Chrome.

How to link to a specific text on a website in Google Chrome

This method will be using Google Chrome browser, make sure to download and install Chrome on your computer.

  1. Launch Chrome browser.
  2. Go to Chrome Web Store.
  3. Download and install Link to Text Fragment.
  4. Go to any website and find the specific text you want to link to.
  5. Select or highlight the text you want to link to.
  6. Right-click and select Copy Link to Selected Text.
  7. If successful, the selected text will be highlighted in yellow.
  8. Now you have a link directly to the text fragment.

You can share this link on any websites, in the email, in any messaging app, on social media, or anywhere. When someone clicks on this link, they will be taken to the text fragment.

You can do this on any text on any website as long as the website does not disable the right-click function to the visitor. If you have anything to ask, just let me know in the comment below.


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