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How to check your Unifi Wifi network for unwelcomed device and block them on TP-Link router


The Network Map feature will let you know the detail of every device using your Unifi Fibre Wifi network. You can find out exactly how many devices are currently connected to your Wifi.

It is very irritating to find out that someone you don’t know or a device that you don’t recognize is using your Wifi. Thankfully, with the following tutorial, you can easily find them and lock them out.

Note: I’m using the default router provided by TM which is TP-Link Archer C1200 Wireless Router.

These steps will allow you to open the Network Map on your router configuration page and see how many devices are currently connected to the network.

  1. Open any internet browser.
  2. Go to
  3. Enter the login detail:
    • Username/ID: admin
    • Password: admin
  4. Click Login.
  5. Select Basic tab.
  6. Select Network Map menu.
    • Look at Wired Clients, see the number of devices connected to your router in the orange circle.
    • Look at Wireless Clients, see the number of devices connected to the Wifi network in the orange circle.
  7. Click on any of it — Wired Clients or Wireless Clients.
    • It will display a list of devices that are currently connected with the detail device name, IP address and the MAC address.
  8. Make sure you’re familiar with the number of devices connected.

Basically, you should know how many family members or friends in your house are currently using it. If there are unknown devices, you can block them right away.

How to add them to the Blacklist

How to check your Unifi Wifi network for unwelcomed device and block them on TP-Link router 3
TP-Link Archer C1200 Access Control settings

Once you find out the unwelcomed device. Here’s how to put them in the blacklist.

  1. Continue from step 3 above.
  2. Select Advanced tab.
  3. Select Security menu.
  4. Select Access Control sub-menu.
  5. Slide the toggle next to Access Control to On.
  6. Set Default Access Mode to Blacklist.
  7. From the Online Devices list, click to check the device you wanted to block.
  8. Click Block.
  9. Click Save to save the changes.

Done. Now all the selected devices are blocked from connecting to your Unifi Wifi network.

Once you are satisfied with the list of devices connected to your network, you can continue to monitor to make sure only known devices are using your Unifi Wifi network.

Hopefully, these guides will be useful to you to protect your Unifi Wifi network. If you need anything else, let me know in the comment below.


11 responses to “How to check your Unifi Wifi network for unwelcomed device and block them on TP-Link router”

  1. shan Avatar

    Hi, sy dah logged in tp bukan mcm page yg encik share ni & takde network map smua tu. kena upgrade firmware ke?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, tuan guna model yang sama? Mungkin dia dah upgrade firwmare dan UI jadi lain.

  2. soffee Avatar

    Hi… user id and password can’t be use. Dah tukar yang baru ke cik

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      cuba check dekat sticker dekat bawah/belakang modem tu.

  3. raf Avatar

    saya x boleh log in la guna id n password admin tu..ade id n pssword lain ke?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      cuba tengok dekat sticker bawah modem/router, selalunya ada.

      1. raf Avatar

        baik tk


    Nak tanya macam mana ya nak blacklistkan unwanted device dkt tplink new version ni, yg u buat tu the old version. A.S.A.P. can you response about it.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      TP-Link new version? New UI atau new modem? Boleh bagi detail, nanti saya check.

  5. Amar Aqumie Avatar
    Amar Aqumie

    I followed every instruction and I tried it on my phone. After I blocked it I tried to see if it works. I still have connection tho. Why is that?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      The device already blacklisted but still can connect to your Wifi network?

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