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How to check the availability of domain name and social media username at once


Learn how to easily check for your domain and social media username availability. If you want to use the same social media name across all social media websites, follow this tutorial on how you can check the domain name and social media username availability at once.

Let say, you are setting up a new website and thinking to have the same username across all social media sites. This has never been easier with, a site that enables you to check the availability of a social media and domain name at once.

Some of the domain sites that included in the search result are .com, .net, .org, .io, .co, .us, .cc, .me, .biz, .info, .de, .at, .eu, .ru, .jp, .mobi, and .in. While social media sites are Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, Reddit, Ello, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Github, Foursquare, Blogger, Flickr, and etc.

See also 3 Additions for your website to improve your Online Image.

How to check the availability of domain name and social media username at once

Ok, let’s use my case as an example. Let say I want to set up a new website called Since I already know the domain name availability as I can easily check with the registrar. Before I proceed to buy the domain name, I would like to check also whether the name barzrul is available across all the popular social media sites.

It would be great if I can use the same brand across social media sites. So, I’ll need to check the username availability:

  1. Go to website.
  2. On the website, there is a search box with Enter your brand name to begin remarks on the top right of the site.
  3. Enter my name, barzrul.
  4. Click Enter to start the search.

Namecheckr will start searching the username availability across the sites and will display the result. If the username is available, the green checkmark will appear on the top right of the website’s logo, if not, the red mark will appear at the exact same spot.

In my case, luckily the super-special-one-and-only username “barzrul” is available across all websites. Maybe because people usually don’t put their kid’s name as hard to spell and pronounce as mine. What you saw all red marks in the above image are all taken by me already.


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