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How to hide Netflix recently watched titles


Tired of seeing similar movies or TV shows in Netflix recommendation every day? Good news is, you can hide single episode, entire episodes or all titles in Netflix recently watched history.

By default, Netflix is using your recently watched history to suggest your new content. If you hide all watched history, Netflix will need to build up your data again and suggest you new content.

Or if you want some privacy, to not let anyone know what you’ve already watched during Netflix Party last weekend. Here’s how to hide your recently watched history on Netflix.

How to hide Netflix recently watched titles

Just follow the simple step-by-step instruction below:

  1. Open any internet browser.
  2. Go to Netflix and sign into your account.
  3. Select the profile you’d like to edit the viewing history for.
  4. Click on the small arrow in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  5. In the dropdown menu, select Account.
  6. Under My Profile, select Viewing Activity.
  7. On My activity page, click on the Hide icon next to the title (if you are hiding an episode, you will be given the option to hide the entire series).
  8. Or Hide all at the bottom of the page if you want to hide all titles.

Note: It can take up to 24 hours for the hidden title to be completely removed from all your devices. Titles cannot be hidden on Kids profiles.

By doing this also, you’ll see an improved new content recommendation since Netflix algorithm need to start over to collect your watched history.


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