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How to upgrade HiMedia Android TV Box firmware


Learn how to upgrade HiMedia Android TV Box firmware and keep your device up-to-date. Here is the full tutorial of how you can upgrade your HiMedia Android TV Box firmware.

HiMedia Android TV Box is one of many alternatives to IPTV solutions. If you are an owner of any of HiMedia products, it is recommended for you to upgrade the firmware to its latest release.

In this post, you will learn how to upgrade your HiMedia Android TV Box:

  • Through Recovery Mode, which means all your saved data/setting/applications will be cleared or
  • Through the Settings menu which will maintain all your data (I prefer this method).

Following firmware upgrade methods are applicable for all HiMedia products including Android TV Box (Q1, Q3, Q5, Q8, Q10, H1, H8, M3, DVB-T2, Android Box (Q10 Pro, H8 Octa-core), and Android Box for Immigrant (M6).

See also how to use HiMedia remote control to control TV.

How to upgrade HiMedia Android TV Box firmware

Method 1: Through Recovery Mode

User data will be cleared.

  1. Download a new firmware and place the firmware onto the ROOT directory of a USB drive.
  2. Plug the USB drive into an empty USB HOST on the SMART TV BOX.
  3. With the SMART TV BOX turned off, use a paper clip or pen point to press and hold the small pinhole restore button on the SMART TV BOX.
  4. While pressing the restore button, turn on the SMART TV BOX. Continue to hold the restore button for 5 more seconds, then release it.
  5. The SMART TV BOX will begin upgrading the firmware from the USB drive.
  6. Wait for the SMART TV BOX to complete the upgrade. Please be patient as it may take around 5 minutes to complete.
  7. When finished, The SMART TV BOX will auto reboot.

Method 2: Through Settings menu

User data will not be cleared.

  1. Download a new firmware and place the firmware onto the ROOT directory of a USB drive.
  2. Plug the USB drive into an empty USB HOST on the SMART TV BOX.
  3. Go to Settings > System > System upgrade to select/click the letter of the USB drive.
  4. The SMART TV BOX will begin upgrading the firmware from the USB drive.
  5. Wait for the SMART TV BOX to complete the upgrade. Please be patient as it may take around 5 minutes to complete.
  6. When finished, The SMART TV BOX will auto reboot.

Note: DO NOT install previous firmware once the firmware is upgraded to the latest version.


24 responses to “How to upgrade HiMedia Android TV Box firmware”

  1. Arthur Asia Avatar
    Arthur Asia

    Hi I need software update for my hi media Q3EN. 2007 media box please

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Try check HiMedia website for the updated firmware. Link in the article above.

  2. Steve Avatar

    When I do the recovery method, I just get a fresh build with Android 5.1.1 still there.
    When I do through Settings menu, I just get “error”.
    Can I upgrade straight to this update, or do I have to step through all previous updates first?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      You can straight away update to the latest version.

  3. Mika Heikkinen Avatar

    I have Himedia Q3 with quite old Android and i would like to know what version of the downloadable firmwares are ok to upgrade with?

  4. ParmaJohn Avatar

    Hi Barzrul,
    I am trying to upgrade a Q3 HiMedia box from HMD-1.0.9 2015-06-16.161245 to the latest firmware. I have downloaded the file and placed it in the root directory of a USB stick. Using FileManager on the Q3 I see the “” file on the D drive. However, the system local upgrade tells me there is “no upgrade file” present on the USB disk.

    I have tried the system reset with the reset button, I have uncompressed the uprade zip file, I have even placed the file in a directory called ROOT. The Q3 does not recognize the file(s) for upgrading.

    Is there a particular file name or position that I am getting wrong?

    Thanks for your help,

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi @ParmaJohn:disqus
      Try to remove all other files/folders from the USB. Leave only “” file. And check whether the box can detect the file.

      1. ParmaJohn Avatar

        I even tried formatting the USB key, then placed only the file on it. I can see the file in FileManager, but the update function does not detect the file.
        The problem may be that this is a “Chinese” box. I found an upgrade file that the machine recognized on a Russian forum (, with a file called Who knows what will happen once applied to the Q3…?
        The Q3 is now at HMD-3.0.1 2015-08-21.124934.

        1. Barzrul Avatar

          Oh, I read it somewhere also similar to this.

    2. Ash Avatar

      Did you find a solution for this problem? i have exactly the same issue..

      1. ParmaJohn Avatar

        See my entry above. The zip file from the Russian site with the long filename was recognized and installed perfectly. The Q3 is now up to date.

        1. Ash Avatar

          Thanks for replying
          The link doesnt exist 🙁

        2. Barzrul Avatar

          What I understand is to donwload the firmware from HiMedia website and rename it so the box can recognize the file.

        3. ParmaJohn Avatar

          Sorry, that link was created automatically, I believe. I would suggest you just Google the filename to locate a copy.

  5. Lior Mesi Avatar
    Lior Mesi

    I tried to to do uptate to my Q10 PRO from the system with the wrong file. Now the device is not increased. The robot appears but it does not install anything, it’s stuck.
    I tried to do the update This time with the correct file via USB but is looks like always turns the device internal storage and the USB not reader.
    I tried hard restore, nothing not help
    any new way?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi, have you try to restore the system?

      1. Lior Mesi Avatar
        Lior Mesi

        thank you for answering me
        I tried to make a Restore,yes. it does not reading from the USB.
        The USB format FAT32, renaming to UPDATE, I tried all the USB ports, I tried to quit the file.
        I tried with another USB flash disk. I tried everiting. What more?

      2. Francisco Ortiz Avatar
        Francisco Ortiz

        mine flashes red and whiye on power button after trying to update nougat internally

  6. Cheng Chean Avatar
    Cheng Chean

    Hi Barzrul,

    Do you have the link to upgrade the firmware for Himedia Q16 model?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      You mean the link to download the firmware?

      1. Cheng Chean Avatar
        Cheng Chean

        Yes sir. The link to download the firmware. I tried searching for it but just couldn’t find it

  7. Haward Avatar

    My Himedia Q1 are always on standby mode and can’t be power on. Would I use the ‘Firmware upgrade by recovery mode’ will solve the problem?

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Hi Haward, most of the issues will be solved. You can try and let me know the outcome.

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