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Unifi Fibre 300Mbps RM129 vs Digi Fibre 300Mbps RM150 review


Do you know that Unifi has this package, Unifi Fibre 300Mbps at RM129 monthly? Yup, I only knew this when I went to TM Point to terminate my Unifi line. They offered me the same package that I plan to subscribe which is Digi 300Mbps with RM150 monthly whereas Digi offered RM50 rebate for 12 months.

Recently, I ported out from Unifi Mobile to Digi Postpaid Family plan, with that being said, I’m eligible to get Digi Fibre 300Mbps RM150 at RM100 monthly for 12 months — RM50 rebate for 12 months. So, I went to TM Point to request to port out from Unifi Fibre to Digi Fibre. Found out I still have a contract with Unifi until January 2023.

To avoid paying the penalty, I told them that I will stay until the contract ended. That was when they offered me this package. Here’s what I know about Unifi Fibre 300Mbps and I compare it to Digi Fibre 300Mbps.

See also Digi Fibre 90 review – Better than Unifi Fibre 30Mbps.

Unifi Fibre 300Mbps RM129 vs Digi Fibre RM150

Unifi offers RM129 rebate for the first 6 months, which means I do not need to pay a single penny for the first 6 months. For the following 18 months, I’ll need to pay RM129 monthly. Take note that this package does not include Unifi Plus TV box, only the speed upgrade.

As usual, it comes with another 24-month contract period. Please take note, that this package is not publicly advertised on their website.

On the other hand, Digi offers RM50 rebate for the first whole year — 12 months. That means I’ll need to pay only RM100 for the first 12 months and RM150 for the following 12 months. This package also comes with a 24-months contract period.

The following is the comparison of both Unifi Fibre 300Mbps vs Digi Fibre 300Mbps packages for total payment and rebate for 24 months, I’d like to see which one get me more savings.

Digi Fibre 300Mbps with RM50 rebate for 12 months:

  • Rm150 x 24 months = RM3600 (total 24 months without rebate)
  • RM50 x 12 months = RM600 (total rebate)
  • RM3600 – RM600 = RM3000 total for 24 months after rebate

Unifi Fibre 300Mbps with RM129 rebate for 6 months:

  • RM129 x 24 months = RM3096 (total 24 months without rebate)
  • RM129 x 6 months = RM774 (total rebate)
  • RM3096 – RM774 = RM2322 total for 24 months after rebate

Let’s look at the difference in total payments for 24 months after rebate for both Unifi Fibre and Digi Fibre:

RM3000 – RM2322 = RM678 extra for Digi Fibre 300Mbps

Final verdict

Honestly, it is pretty straightforward that Unifi offers a better package plan. If I only look at the rebate period, yes, Digi Fibre can sound more saving with 12 months compared to Unifi Fibre with only 6 months. But I need to do the calculation and look at the total payment for 24 months.

With less RM678 for Unifi Fibre 300Mbps, definitely, I’ll proceed with the Unifi upgrade — I’m currently subscribed to Unifi Fibre 30Mbps. I don’t have to wait for another month for the contract to end.

Even though the number is obvious, but, I still would like to know your opinion. If you are in my position, which one will you opt to? Let me know in the comment below.


2 responses to “Unifi Fibre 300Mbps RM129 vs Digi Fibre 300Mbps RM150 review”

  1. John Liew Avatar
    John Liew

    Hi, I just ported from Unifi to Digi on end jan 2023, TM also offer me but not 6 month free, they only offer rebate of RM30 every month. My Digi package is 300M.

    1. Barzrul Avatar

      Maybe they have discontinued this offer. If that’s the case, better choose Digi.

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