How to play any video, movie or TV series with subtitle

VLC media player with subtitle
VLC media player with subtitle

Learn how to play any video, movie or TV series with subtitle. This is a simple guide for you to play your favourite videos, movies or TV shows with your preferred subtitle.


So, you have downloaded a handful of movies and TV shows and would like to watch them on your TV or Windows PC or Android devices. Upon playing the videos, you notice that there is no subtitle attached to the video.

See also how to fix subtitle out of sync in VLC media player.


How to play any video, movie or TV series with subtitle

I’m assuming you already downloaded the video and ready to search and play with subtitle.

  1. Download and install VLC media player or Media Player Classic.
  2. Go to Opensubtitle and search for the subtitle.
  3. Once you found the subtitle, click Download .zip to download it to your PC.
  4. Right-click on the downloaded file and extract to any folder. This is the subtitle file (.srt).
  5. Copy/cut the subtitle file (.srt) and paste it into the same folder as the video.
  6. Rename the subtitle file (.srt) name the same as the video name. For example:
    • Movie: Iron Man 3.avi
    • Subtitle: Iron Man
  7. If the above media player is already your default, just double click on the video file and it will automatically display the subtitle along with the video.

You should be able to play any video, movie, TV series with the subtitle using VLC media player or Media Player Classic.


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