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How to stop Google Maps from collecting your location data on Android and iOS


Didn’t realize Google Maps is collecting your location data? Google Maps has been doing this for a long time without your consent. They are doing this to improve their service like traffic information, route information including alternative route and a lot more.

Fortunately, there is a way to disable and stop Google Maps from collecting your location data. It is buried deep in the terms and privacy settings and here  I show you how to do it.

How to stop Google Maps from collecting your location data

You can stop Google Maps from collecting your location data on Android and iOS using the following methods:

On Android

  1. Start the Google Maps app.
  2. Select the three vertical line located on the left of the Search box.
  3. In the navigation drawer, select Settings.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and select About, terms & privacy.
  5. Select Location data collection.
  6. Toggle the switch to Off.

On iOS

  1. Start the Google Maps app.
  2. Drag the tab to open the menu from bottom
  3. Select Settings from the options.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and select Location History.
  5. Tap on Location History again.
  6. Check the blank box next to Do not store.
  7. Tap on the back arrow.
  8. Select Location Reporting.
  9. Check the blank box next to Do not report.

Done, you have successfully stopped Google Maps from further collecting your location data.

Personally, I dislike my location data being collected by Google Maps. So, how do you think of this option? Appreciate if you’d leave me your opinion in the comment below.


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