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How to manage who has access to your Google Drive files


In case you have a list of files in your Google Drive and wanted to share those files with someone, here’s how you can manage their access to your files. You can add them into the list, edit their permission or even remove their access.

Google Drive is one of the best cloud storage, you can easily access those files anywhere, share them with your friends to view, or even give them permission to edit those files. Here’s the complete guide on how you can manage who has access to your Goole Drive files.

How to see who has access to your Google Drive files

Let’s see who has access to the files:

  1. Log in to your Google account and go to your Google Drive page.
  2. Once you are on your Google Drive page, right-click on the file.
  3. A window will appear with the name of those who have access to the file including yourself.
  4. To add people to the list, click in the text field and select from the contact list.
  5. If they are not in your contact list, enter their email address.
  6. Alternatively, you can set the permission to Change to anyone with the link.
  7. Then you need to copy the link and sent to those you wanted to share the file with.

How to edit permission or remove access to your Google Drive files

Once you add the person to have access to the files, you can edit the permission on how they can access the files. Here’s how to do it:

  1. To the right of their name, click on the permission.
  2. Here you can select few roles for them:
    • Viewer: the person can view the files
    • Commenter: allow the person to make comment to the files
    • Editor: the person can edit the files
    • Make owner: the person will become the files owner and do anything with it, even remove you from accessing the files
    • Remove: remove the person from accessing the files and they’re no longer have access to the files

Important! Beware if you assign someone as the owner of your files.

Google Drive has made my life easier. I no longer need to carry my pendrive, all I need is a device with an internet connection and I can access them anytime and anywhere. I usually share those files with my colleagues and my clients by making them as an editor or viewer only.


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