Barzrul Tech

Life hack tutorial & review.

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If you’d like to get your article approved and published on, it is essential that the article meets the following criteria. Please read carefully the policies and guidelines.

First, you need to let me know why do you want to write for Tell me a little bit about who you are and why I should accept your article.

Important! I’ll review your article and see if it meets the policies and guidelines. Once reviewed and approved, it may take up to a maximum of 5 days for the article to be published.

The general rules or policies and guidelines are as follows:

General policies and guidelines

  1. The article must be in English, a minimum of 1200 words and most importantly, original.
  2. The article has to be related to tech, choose any one: tutorial, fix, or review.
  3. The article must include an introduction, content, and a suggestion or conclusion.
  4. Provide featured images, minimum size is 1000 x 563 pixels.
  5. Affiliate links are strictly not allowed.
  6. Must include a minimum of one link to any article in this blog.
  7. I respect individual works. Please do give credit where credit is needed.
  8. The article will be subjected to my review, I will make any changes if necessary (please don’t get offended if I do).
  9. To protect duplicate content issues, your article will belong to me, Barzrul, the blog owner, is credited to you as the author and cannot be republished anywhere else.
  10. By publishing your article on this site, you agree to give me, Barzrul, copyright ownership of the post. This is to help me to deal with any DMCA related issues.

Thanks for taking the time to read these policies and guidelines. It is important for you to understand and agree with the above policies and guidelines.

If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know.

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